409H / EtherAddressLookup

Adds links to strings that look like Ethereum addresses to your favourite blockchain explorer. Adds protection against private key phishing. Offers custom site bookmarks.
MIT License
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is this a phishing list only or political? #84

Closed chrcoluk closed 7 years ago

chrcoluk commented 7 years ago

It blocks twitter O_o

www.twitter.com/omisego twitter.com/omisego

Now that url (which is now dead but still in your list) may well not have had savoury content, but I doubt there is actual phishing going on twitters own webspace. So why is it there?

tayvano commented 7 years ago

1) I visit Twitter all the time and have had no issues.

2) The above accounts were spreading malicious / phishing content including but not limited to:

You'll catch more bees with honey, honey. If you don't like something, open a PR, don't get snarky or underestimate the scope of the phsihing / scams going on right now.

409H commented 7 years ago

but I doubt there is actual phishing going on twitters own webspace.

You're mistaken. Creating a Twitter account that is cloning the branding of an official Twitter handle, posting links to a malicious site to grab users private key, is phishing.

So why is it there?

Because it was phishing users.