40fingers / Mass-Manipulate

The DNNCMS module allows you to Manipulate Page, Modules, Users etc. in bulk
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DB Replace Issue with Quotes #35

Closed Timo-Breumelhof closed 3 years ago

Timo-Breumelhof commented 3 years ago

When replacing text like this:

Test text with "quotes"

Something goes wrong if you use a " in your regex.

OC example data:

  "Title": "My title",
  "Text": "<h2>HTML Title</h2>\n\n<p>&lt;h2&gt;HTML endoded Title&lt;/h2&gt;</p>\n\n<p>This is a test with &quot;Quoted Text&quot; to ee if we can use it to replace.</p>\n\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n",
  "_id": "60f04998c937df03e8b41e15"

Search test: "Text": "(.*?)" Replace text:

        "Title": "",
        "Text": "$1"



You can see that the matching stops at the (in the database) HTML encoded Quote, which is not correct.