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Hacktivity `Filter by language or title` should allow to search in all reports, not only filter visible ones #2192

Open bl4de opened 2 years ago

bl4de commented 2 years ago

Hi @huntr Team :)

Hacktivity page is a perfect way to stay up-to-date what's being reported and gives a great insight into details of vulnerabilities reported to particular repository. However, this functionality works only for reports already loaded into the browser via infinity scroll or in results returned by Search for repo

How it works

How it could work

It would be nice to make Filter by language or title works in the same way as Search for repo input and return the list of all reports matching the search criteria.

If both inputs are filled, the logic behind Filter by language or title should still works as a filter for results returned by Search for repo as it works right now.

So there are 3 possible scenarios to cover:

psmoros commented 2 years ago

Hey @bl4de! Thanks for opening a ticket! We're delighted to have you on huntr :)) We're absolutely looking to build this; we just hacked it from the front-end in order to ship it quickly... if enough people +1 this ticket we'll build it asap :)

See you around!