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Attach multiple fixes to a single report #2201

Open arogge opened 2 years ago

arogge commented 2 years ago


Currently when I press "Confirm Fix" I can only select a single version the fix is applied to, a single branch and a single commit id.

In our development process we usually have multiple individual fixes to multiple supported versions. Basically we would need to be able fill that "Confirm Fix"-Form multiple times for the same report.


We have a report for version 18.2 and newer The current version is 21.0.0, but we still support 20.y.z and 19.2.z, but not 18.2.z.

As a result there will be a fix

Currently I can only add one of these fixes, while I should be able to add them all.

psmoros commented 1 year ago

Also #2287