Issue Description:
As a user of our Discord bot, I want to be able to use a "/find_members" command to list all member names that match a certain string in order to visually sort them.
Feature Description:
The "/find_members" command should take one required option: the text to search for, and one optional choice: whether to query members using nickname or displayName. By default, it will query using nickname.
The bot should validate the string to ensure it is not empty (so it doesn't list everyone in the server).
An appropriate error message should be displayed if the string is empty, and if no results are found.
The bot will respond with a mentioned list of every user with the matching string in their nickname or displayName without pinging them.
The bot will display the search query in its response.
The bot's response will be properly formatted (concise, neat, and easy to read).
Acceptance Criteria:
The "/find_members" command is successfully implemented and tested.
Invoking the "/find_members" command with a valid string should return a mentioned list of every user.
These users must be mentioned but not pinged.
If the input is invalid or no matches were found, appropriate error messages are returned.
The bot displays the search query in its response, and the response has to be concise, neat, and easily-readable.
Additional Notes:
This feature will enhance the functionality of our Discord bot by allowing users to display filtered members in chat.
Please ensure thorough testing of the "/find_members" command functionality before closing this issue.
Make sure the output is as readable as possible. You may use creative formats such as EmbedBuilder to make the output more readable.
This is actually M/L depending on whether you use EmbedBuilder or similar to format your output. Without the requirement for good formatting, this would be an M instead
Issue Title: Implement "/find_members" Command
Issue Description: As a user of our Discord bot, I want to be able to use a "/find_members" command to list all member names that match a certain string in order to visually sort them.
Feature Description:
Acceptance Criteria:
Additional Notes: