4201VitruvianBots / ScoutingApp2023

Development of Team 4201's Scouting Application
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We should calculate the average teleop and autonomous points for each team in the match data table #226

Closed JosiahFu closed 1 year ago

JosiahFu commented 1 year ago

This one is important - having all of the data in the match data table is nice - but at the end of the day, our strategy team will likely end up calculating the average number of points by each team in teleop and auto using the data you have. We should take our Cone/Cube Low, Mid, High values for auton and teleop to calculate the average auton and teleop scores for teams, and add it to the match data table. The other data has other uses (such as determining if a team mainly does cones and cubes), but we should add these as rows to the bottom. We can also ask the strategists if there are fields that weren't helpful in the match data table to see if we can cut down on any extra data that isn't needed