42BV / CSVeed

Light-weight, easy-to-use Java-based CSV utility
Apache License 2.0
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Maven site deployment fails #126

Closed arjanvlek closed 2 years ago

arjanvlek commented 2 years ago

At the end of performing a release, the deployment fails due to invalid github protocol. But since we're using github-pages, should we even be deploying a mvn:site?

This is the output that is returned by mvn release:perform:

[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-pdf-plugin:1.4:pdf (pdf) @ csveed ---
[INFO] [INFO] Skipped report generation.
[INFO] [warn] No document root specified, local links will not be resolved correctly!
[INFO] [WARNING] I/O exception while reading font cache (org.apache.fop.fonts.FontCache; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 9129238336422194339, local class serialVersionUID = 605232520271754718). Discarding font cache file.
[INFO] [WARNING] Bookmarks: Unresolved id reference "./csveed" found.
[INFO] [WARNING] Page i: Unresolved id reference "./csveed" found.
[INFO] [WARNING] Bookmark with IDRef "./csveed" has a null PageViewport.
[INFO] [INFO] pdf generated: /Users/[redacted]/[redacted]/[redacted]/CSVeed/target/checkout/target/site/csveed.pdf
[INFO] [INFO] --- maven-site-plugin:3.9.1:deploy (default-deploy) @ csveed ---
[INFO] Unsupported protocol: 'github' for site deployment to distributionManagement.site.url=github:https://robert-bor.github.io/CSVeed/.
[INFO] Currently supported protocols are: scm, scp, sftp, sftp, scp, https, file, http.
[INFO]     Protocols may be added through wagon providers.
[INFO]     For more information, see https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-site-plugin/examples/adding-deploy-protocol.html
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] [INFO] Total time:  07:51 min
[INFO] [INFO] Finished at: 2021-10-20T14:42:06+02:00
[INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note: Since the artifact is already uploaded to the staging repo, the maven central release can still be completed manually.

hazendaz commented 2 years ago

I have an issue open on that, it would still be the same site just delivered to gh-pages. I can take a look at it now that I have more access.

hazendaz commented 2 years ago

should also note, the release itself is fine. you should see all you need in sonatype to finish it up. Its just missing the site delivery update but I don't think there is a lot to update other than the urls at the moment.

arjanvlek commented 2 years ago

should also note, the release itself is fine. you should see all you need in sonatype to finish it up. Its just missing the site delivery update but I don't think there is a lot to update other than the urls at the moment.

Yes, can confirm that. The release has already been closed and released in sonatype, so it should be live on central soon.

hazendaz commented 2 years ago

issue resolved, site is updated now.