42Crunch / intellij-openapi-editor

OpenAPI (Swagger) Editor plugin for IntelliJ
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Navigation gets painfully slow after a while #43

Closed BernhardBln closed 6 months ago

BernhardBln commented 6 months ago

We have an open-api file with around 5.000 lines.

When I start Intellij and open that file, I can quickly navigate around in the file, using either the structure view, using the breadcrumbs (like jumping to one of the parents) or using CMD+mouse click (I'm on Mac) on a reference.

This works very fast, as expected.

However, when I keep working in that file for a while, the speed gradually degrades, first needs a short moment before jumping at the expected element, in the end needs like 4-5 seconds every time, until I restart IntelliJ. (It is not enough to close the editor tab of the open-api file).

Any ideas?

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.3.4 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-233.14475.28, built on February 13, 2024

Runtime version: 17.0.10+1-b1087.17 aarch64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. macOS 14.3.1 GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 6144M Cores: 12 Metal Rendering is ON Registry: ide.appIcon.requestAttention=false ide.tooltip.initialDelay=674 debugger.new.tool.window.layout=true analyze.exceptions.on.the.fly=true ide.experimental.ui=true Non-Bundled Plugins: be.jbeckers.compare_tab_with_editor2 (1.0.17) com.alexanderpa.flyway.migration.creator (2.1) com.mzyupc.a-redis (1.0.0) StringToolsPlugin (4.1) com.jetbrains.ide.streamdeck (2023.3.2) org.intellij.plugins.hcl (233.13135.65) com.intellij.plugins.watcher (233.13135.65) intellij-clock (2.0.0) AceJump (3.8.18) IdeaVIM (2.9.1) org.jetbrains.IdeaVim-EasyMotion (1.11) com.github.holgerbrandl.pasteimages/ (1.3.2) google-java-format ( com.krrrr38.idea.mockito.postfix (0.0.9) VisualVMLauncher (1.23.1-IJ2023.3) IntelliTail (3.1.3) String Manipulation (9.12.0) com.sunny.plugin.MockitoGenPlugin (1.5.4) GrepConsole (12.25.0-IJ2023.3) PlantUML integration (7.7.0-IJ2023.2) MavenRunHelper (4.27.1-IJ2022.2) com.github.copilot ( com.crunch42.openapi (1.82) org.exbin.deltahex.intellij (0.2.9) com.intellij.lang.jsgraphql (233.13135.65) org.mapstruct.intellij (1.6.1) org.sonarlint.idea ( mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore (4.5.2) com.github.amolenaar.idea.clock (1.0) com.intellij.plugins.html.instantEditing (233.13135.65) Kotlin: 233.14475.28-IJ

vfateev commented 6 months ago

Is it possible to share the file you are using? Will it happen if you disable or remove the plugin? How long did you work with the file to see 4-5 seconds of speed degradation?

BernhardBln commented 6 months ago

I unfortunately cannot share the file, it's from a client.

I think was maybe 10-15 minutes of work until it got slow.

Unfortunately I now finished with my refactoring of the file, and opening it now and trying to provoke by doing some random changes it does not work 🫠 However, this happened very consistently when I was working on it, and also on machines of colleagues.

I tried with a big one from the internet, that is publicly available and has 25.000 lines of codes, but works like a charm. Only difference to our file is that that one does not have any examples, while we have a lot.

My suggestion: I'll close this now (as I'm also off for vacation now), and next time I work with our file I will disable the plugin again if it happens again, and will reopen here to let you know if that made a difference.

Sorry I cannot give you better feedback, but maybe sb with a similar problem has a file they can share.