42Shawn / LLaVA-PruMerge

LLaVA-PruMerge: Adaptive Token Reduction for Efficient Large Multimodal Models
Apache License 2.0
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How to set different number of visual tokens? #3

Open Key-lei opened 4 months ago

Key-lei commented 4 months ago

May I ask the author, how should I choose different numbers of visual tokens to experiment with the impact of different visual tokens on the results? Is it setting a different number of clusters? As in the code below:

for b in range(B):
            for i in range(left_tokens):
                key_others_norm = Key_others_norm[b,i,:].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)

                before_i_Key = Key_others_norm[b, :i, :].unsqueeze(0)  
                after_i_Key = Key_others_norm[b, i+1:, :].unsqueeze(0) 

                before_i_x_others = x_others[b, :i, :].unsqueeze(0)  
                after_i_x_others = x_others[b, i+1:, :].unsqueeze(0)   
                rest_x_others = torch.cat([before_i_x_others, after_i_x_others, non_topk[b,:,:].unsqueeze(0)], dim=1)   
                before_i_x_others_attn = x_others_attn[b, :i].unsqueeze(0)  
                after_i_x_others_attn = x_others_attn[b, i+1:].unsqueeze(0)  
                rest_x_others_attn = torch.cat([before_i_x_others_attn, after_i_x_others_attn, non_topk_attn[b,:].unsqueeze(0)], dim=1)  

                rest_Keys = torch.cat([before_i_Key, after_i_Key, non_topk_Key_norm[b,:,:].unsqueeze(0)], dim=1)
                cos_sim_matrix = torch.bmm(key_others_norm, rest_Keys.transpose(1, 2))

                _, cluster_indices = torch.topk(cos_sim_matrix, k=int(32), dim=2, largest=True)

                cluster_tokens = rest_x_others[:,cluster_indices.squeeze(),:]
                weights = rest_x_others_attn[:,cluster_indices.squeeze()].unsqueeze(-1)

                # update cluster centers
                weighted_avg = torch.sum(cluster_tokens * weights, dim=1) #/ torch.sum(weights)
                updated_center = weighted_avg + x_others[b, i, :]  
                updated_x_others[b, i, :] = updated_center 

and I can modify kin the code to set a different number of visual tokens. Is my understanding correct? Hope to get the author's answer _, cluster_indices = torch.topk(cos_sim_matrix, k=int(32), dim=2, largest=True)

42Shawn commented 4 months ago

k can be set in the other topk algorithm line