42wim / matterbridge

bridge between mattermost, IRC, gitter, xmpp, slack, discord, telegram, rocketchat, twitch, ssh-chat, zulip, whatsapp, keybase, matrix, microsoft teams, nextcloud, mumble, vk and more with REST API (mattermost not required!)
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WhatsApp Gateway Error Message: Please configure gateway with channel="zzz" instead of channel="zzz" #2157

Open uwedisch opened 1 month ago

uwedisch commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug WhatsApp Gateway connection to group not working. Error message says: Please configure gateway with channel="zzz" instead of channel="zzz"

To Reproduce Using Docker with: -tags whatsappmulti,noirc,nomattermost,nonctalk,noslack,nodiscord,nokeybase,nomsteams,nosshchat,novk,noxmpp,noharmony,nomatrix,nomumble,norocketchat,nosteam,nozulip

Expected behavior WhatsApp Gateway is able to use channel "zzz".

Screenshots/debug logs time="2024-06-07T12:24:54Z" level=info msg="Running version 1.26.1-dev d16645c9" prefix=main time="2024-06-07T12:24:54Z" level=info msg="WARNING: THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT VERSION. Things may break." prefix=main time="2024-06-07T12:24:54Z" level=info msg="Parsing gateway www" prefix=router time="2024-06-07T12:24:54Z" level=info msg="Starting bridge: telegram.matterbridge " prefix=router time="2024-06-07T12:24:54Z" level=info msg=Connecting prefix=telegram time="2024-06-07T12:24:55Z" level=info msg="Connection succeeded" prefix=telegram time="2024-06-07T12:24:55Z" level=info msg="telegram.matterbridge: joining -42xxx (ID: -42xxxtelegram.matterbridge)" prefix=telegram time="2024-06-07T12:24:55Z" level=info msg="Starting bridge: whatsapp.matterbridge " prefix=router

12:25:15.403 [Client INFO] Successfully paired yyy:9@s.whatsapp.net time="2024-06-07T12:25:15Z" level=info msg="QR channel result: success" prefix=whatsapp time="2024-06-07T12:25:16Z" level=info msg="WhatsApp connection successful" prefix=whatsapp 12:25:17.112 [Client INFO] Successfully authenticated time="2024-06-07T12:25:17Z" level=info msg="Getting user avatars.." prefix=whatsapp time="2024-06-07T12:25:17Z" level=info msg="Finished getting avatars.." prefix=whatsapp time="2024-06-07T12:25:17Z" level=info msg="whatsapp.matterbridge: joining zzz (ID: zzzwhatsapp.matterbridge)" prefix=whatsapp time="2024-06-07T12:25:17Z" level=fatal msg="Starting gateway failed: Bridge whatsapp.matterbridge failed to join channel: group name might change. Please configure gateway with channel="zzz" instead of channel="zzz"" prefix=main **Environment (please complete the following information):** - OS: Ubutu 24.04 LTS - Matterbridge version: 1.26.1-dev d16645c9 - If self compiled: d16645c9527a649cc92f3defb865cea9400fa307 - Docker, not running root, running container as simple user **Additional context** [Dockerfile.txt](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/15739390/Dockerfile.txt) [matterbridge 2024-05-07 (anon).txt](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/15739391/matterbridge.2024-05-07.anon.txt) [matterbridge (anon).toml.txt](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/15739392/matterbridge.anon.toml.txt)
uwedisch commented 4 weeks ago

Please configure gateway with channel="zzz" instead of channel="zzz""

I found a work-around: If I don't use the full name of the channel, i.e. "z" instead "zzz" I get the expected hint with JID. Having the JID I was able to register.

So, to be more precise: If I search for the whole, exact channel name the reported error occurs. Otherwise not.