44madfire / Growing-Rivalry

A repo for tracking various plugins I make for GR, as well as any fan art etc. Potentially a card compendium/guide website
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7.61 Height bug (Possibly related to Ophelia?) #76

Open Skullossal opened 3 months ago

Skullossal commented 3 months ago

I also ran into this bug someone mentioned on the discord:

Ophelia is my ally but I did not have issues until I beat Valeria. (I also refused a trade from her earlier, though I can't recall when).

Afterwards, my height had a value, followed by the name of a card (which may have been the card she wanted to trade). I tried to buy deck points to get the broken value to change, but that caused my height to hit 0. I received a game over right after.

Also, Ophelia related: Ophelia as an an ally at home only has the 'talk' dialogue options. If I talk to her at the casino, I get the normal ally dialogue options. Unsure if working as intended?

Skullossal commented 3 months ago
