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GMS server IPs and ports need to be updated #2

Open brilam opened 7 years ago

brilam commented 7 years ago

I was looking at the different servers and found it strange that most of Scania had no response. I decided to check it out ingame and realized the server IP and port has changed for Scania channel 1 and channel 2 (in the very least). I think it is safe to say all the server ports. I am not sure if there is still 10 different login server IPs (it seems like only 3 are always online), while 7 are offline. I suspect these changes were made due to the world alliances in GMS as well as EMS and GMS merging together.

EDIT: Confirmed that my suspicions are correct. There is now only 3 login servers, and the merged worlds means they are on the same IP and port combination. See: http://maplestory.nexon.net/server-status#show-servers=0,1,2,3,5,9,45,30

brilam commented 7 years ago

Currently working on this. Star Planet and Boss Arena has been removed from GMS. Does EMS still have Star Planet?

brilam commented 7 years ago

I have made a pull commit to resolve most of this. I am just missing the Evolution Labs IP/ports. I can't access Evolution Labs since I didn't do the prequests (haven't played Maplestory in ages).