Open jemag opened 2 years ago
Maybe I fixed. Please retry.
@4513ECHO Well it does not show error but it says that the readme file does not exist even though it is there: Error:
Plugin directory:
It works for plugin telescope-dap.nvim:
but plugin directory is similar:
I think I know why, I checked packer_compiled.lua, and for some plugins (like telescope) it does not show the path or URL, but rather only_config: packer_compiled.lua
["telescope.nvim"] = {
after = { "session-lens", "telescope-harpoon.nvim", "telescope-ui-select.nvim", "telescope-vim-bookmarks.nvim" },
loaded = true,
only_config = true
I am not sure what is causing this, since the plugin specification is similar for telescope.nvim
config = function()
and for telescope-dap.nvim
config = function()
but telescope-dap.nvim has proper path and url: packer_compiled.lua
["telescope-dap.nvim"] = {
config = { "\27LJ\2\nH\0\0\3\0\4\0\a6\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0'\2\3\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\bdap\19load_extension\14telescope\frequire\0" },
loaded = true,
path = "/home/jemag/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/telescope-dap.nvim",
url = ""
Hmm, this is difficult problem. I keep opening this untill that packer's issue is fixed.
Hello, I've encountered this similar issue in my plugin as well. I managed to fix it here. I think this could be helpful for you, and should be quite an easy fix since you only need the plugin path. Hope it helps!
@axieax Thanks! It is very helpful for me, I'll try to include the codes to the plugin.
This issue can be closed?
I have tried several and most seem to work, however, for some reason, when i try to view the readme of telescope.nvim ( I get the following: