452 / JavaME8Embedded-STM32F4Discovery

Java ME 8 Embedded and STM32F4Discovery
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Does JavaME8 still support the STM32F4DISCOVERY board ? #1

Open ddewaele opened 10 years ago

ddewaele commented 10 years ago

Most of the pages on the Oracle site return 404-Not Found

Found some resources online where people also had trouble getting it up and running.

Do you have a latest status on this ?

452 commented 9 years ago

I'm demobilized from a War in Ukraine vs Russia after one year in very hotspots =) and still alive (^-^), thanks God.

STM32F4Discovery binary with Oracle JMEE 8.0-EA - for test, but also needed SDK 8.0-EA - I have removed from my laptop maybe one month ago, I can try recovery SDK from hdd, if you need.


now I looked to https://github.com/micropython/micropython I tested, work, but looks like have some not implemented yet Accelerometer and USB HID read functional on STM32F4Discovery board.

valoni commented 6 years ago

Do you have (or published) oracle-jmee-8-0-ea-stmf4disc-rtx-bin.zip firmware source code and instructions to compile it

452 commented 6 years ago

@valoni unfortunately I have no source code only binary files

valoni commented 6 years ago

how to port for different boards it