464venkatsai / ExpenesesTrackerApp

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Enable DarkMode #3

Open 464venkatsai opened 4 months ago

464venkatsai commented 4 months ago

As a developer I love Darkmode but not every body does so we need to create a feature to enable the light mode for user use your own custom colors for the light if you ask me would say to go with white and white smoke

Bmarwane93 commented 4 months ago

Hello, @464venkatsai

I really like the project. I would like to add the functionality that allows you to switch between a light theme and a dark theme in the application, I will soon fork the project, will you give me permission to start this functionality ? I plan to work with @LOUTFI94

464venkatsai commented 4 months ago

thanks for your interest Feel free to fork and pull request use your own custom colors if you ask me to i recommed the white and whitesmoke colors at light mode and please push using a new branch when u push

Bmarwane93 commented 4 months ago

Thank you very much for accepting, I will start the work very soon once finished I will ask for a pull request

464venkatsai commented 4 months ago

The layout has been updated please check the updated one