4AllDigital / DruDockCli

Drudock CLI utility for managing docker development, staging and production environments for Drupal websites and apps.
MIT License
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add support for Drupal multi sites #18

Open joemewes opened 7 years ago

joemewes commented 7 years ago

docker.dev && site1.docker.dev + site2.docker.dev

or custom subdomains:

my-site.docker.dev subsite.docker.dev

joemewes commented 6 years ago

should add multisite BOOL flag to config, and paths to sites


multisite : TRUE
 - example.com
 - fr.example.com
 - de.example.com
 - subsite2.example.com


drush commands would then need a site "key" to work... drudock drush:cc -s de.example.com. and if not provided

"error : this is a multi-site configuration and you must specify site name for crush commands"