4AllDigital / DruDockCli

Drudock CLI utility for managing docker development, staging and production environments for Drupal websites and apps.
MIT License
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Add aliases to readme / list comand #186

Closed mediaashley closed 6 years ago

mediaashley commented 6 years ago

Looking inDrushClearCacheCommand etc. I see that each command has an alias, it would be good to list these somewhere like the readme, or when running drudock list.

joemewes commented 6 years ago

drudock list output should show commands with alias'

eg. app:bash [ab] Bash into container

[ab] is the alias

joemewes commented 6 years ago

also in the README https://github.com/4AllDigital/DruDockCli#initial-commands-structure

mediaashley commented 6 years ago

👀 Totally never noticed that…
