4AllDigital / DruDockCli

Drudock CLI utility for managing docker development, staging and production environments for Drupal websites and apps.
MIT License
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container start issue #191

Open joemewes opened 6 years ago

joemewes commented 6 years ago

Not sure if this is an issue with Docker or Drudock, but can't start services.

ERROR: for nginx Cannot start service nginx: container "e23640e650e720ed75f8cb78591d4d00398cdd
7d5274fd883a3dd7b03884efa3": already exists

mediaashley commented 6 years ago

I've been having issues with the nginx container for awhile. I don't see an error, but it's failing to start or stop.

I've been doing it manually with Kitematic.

APP ::: Starting who containers

Starting nginx   ... 
Starting nginx   ... done
Starting mysql   ... 
Starting mailhog ... done

Starting mysql   ... done

Starting php     ... done
screenshot 2018-02-03 18 20 09