4IceG / luci-app-3ginfo-lite

Graphic visualization of the mPCI-E / M.2 and USB 3G / LTE / LTE-A / 5G modem connection status. (LuCI JS) | OpenWrt >= 21.02
90 stars 35 forks source link

SyntaxError : Bad control character in string literal in JSON at position 52 #35

Closed kuyay closed 1 year ago

kuyay commented 1 year ago

Bad control character in string literal in JSON at position 52


Quectel RM520N-GL

4IceG commented 1 year ago

Hi @kuyay , Thanks for reporting the bug. Show me the result of the command: sh -x /usr/share/3ginfo-lite/3ginfo.sh

kuyay commented 1 year ago
root@FriendlyWrt:~# sh -x /usr/share/3ginfo-lite/3ginfo.sh
+ RES=/usr/share/3ginfo-lite
+ uci -q get '3ginfo.@3ginfo[0].device'
+ DEVICE=/dev/ttyUSB0
+ '[' x/dev/ttyUSB0 '=' x ]
+ echo /dev/ttyUSB0
+ '[' x/dev/ttyUSB0 '=' x ]
+ '[' x/dev/ttyUSB0 '=' x ]
+ uci -q get '3ginfo.@3ginfo[0].network'
+ SECT=@modem
+ SUB=@
+ '[[' @modem '==' '*@*' ]]
+ echo @modem
+ sed s/@//
+ SEC=modem
+ '[' -z modem ]
+ RX=-
+ TX=-
+ ifstatus modem
+ grep '"up": true'
+ NETUP='       "up": true,'
+ '[' -n '      "up": true,' ]
+ uci -q -P /var/state/ get network.modem.connect_time
+ CT=
+ '[' -z ]
+ ifstatus modem
+ awk '-F[:,]' '/uptime/ {print $2}'
+ xargs
+ CT=2604
+ '[' '!' -z 2604 ]
+ expr 2604 / 60 / 60 / 24
+ D=0
+ expr 2604 / 60 / 60 '%' 24
+ H=0
+ expr 2604 / 60 '%' 60
+ M=43
+ expr 2604 '%' 60
+ S=24
+ printf '%dd, %02d:%02d:%02d' 0 0 43 24
+ CONN_TIME='0d, 00:43:24'
+ ifstatus modem
+ awk '-F"' '/l3_device/ {print $4}'
+ IFACE=wwan0
+ '[' -n wwan0 ]
+ ifconfig wwan0
+ awk '-F[()]' '/bytes/ {printf "%s",$2}'
+ RX='1.1 GiB'
+ ifconfig wwan0
+ awk '-F[()]' '/bytes/ {printf "%s",$4}'
+ TX='471.9 MiB'
+ sms_tool -D -d /dev/ttyUSB0 at 'AT+CSQ;+CPIN?;+COPS=3,0;+COPS?;+COPS=3,2;+COPS?;+CREG=2;+CREG?'
No response from modem.
+ O=
+ echo
+ awk '-F[, ]' '/^\+CSQ/ {print $2}'
+ CSQ=
+ '[' x '=' x ]
+ CSQ=-1
+ '[' -1 -ge 0 -a -1 -le 31 ]
+ CSQ=-
+ echo
+ awk '-F["]' '/^\+COPS: .,2/ {print $2}'
+ '[' x '=' x ]
+ '[' x '=' x ]
+ COPS=-
+ '[' -z  ]
+ echo
+ awk '-F["]' '/^\+COPS: .,0/ {print $2}'
+ T=
+ '[' x '!=' x ]
+ echo -
+ sed ':s;s/\(\<\S*\>\)\(.*\)\<\1\>/\1\2/g;ts'
+ COPZ=-
+ echo -
+ awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){ $i=toupper(substr($i,1,1)) substr($i,2) }}1'
+ COPS=-
+ echo
+ + xargsawk
 '-F[, ]' '/^\+CPIN:/ {print $0;exit}'
+ T=
+ '[' -n  ]
+ echo
+ awk '-F[, ]' '/^\+CME ERROR:/ {print $0;exit}'
+ T=
+ '[' -n  ]
+ echo
+ awk '-F[,]' '/^\+CREG/ {gsub(/[[:space:]"]+/,"");printf "T=\"%d\";LAC_HEX=\"%X\";CID_HEX=\"%X\";LAC_DEC=\"%d\";CID_DEC=\"%d\";MODE_NUM=\"%d\"", $2, "0x"$3, "0x"$4, "0x"$3, "0x"$4, $5}'
+ eval
+ REG=-
+ CSQ=-
+ '[' -z  ]
+ echo
+ awk '-F[,]' '/^\+COPS/ {print $4;exit}'
+ MODE=-
+ sms_tool -d /dev/ttyUSB0 at at+cereg
4IceG commented 1 year ago

Okay, a few things...

Are you using ModemManager? (My package is not compatible with it)

You also have my package misconfigured. Execute the command

uci set 3ginfo.@3ginfo[0].device="/dev/ttyUSB3"
uci commit 3ginfo
kuyay commented 1 year ago

Yes sir, i'm using modemmanager, thanks for your answers!

Can you give me some advice, what can I use to connect to my modem (beside ModemManager)?

4IceG commented 1 year ago

It would be best to uninstall MM (which takes control of the modem and makes it difficult for other packages to access the modem) and configure the connection using a different protocol, such as qmi.

kuyay commented 1 year ago

alright sir, thanks.