4IceG / luci-app-3ginfo-lite

Graphic visualization of the mPCI-E / M.2 and USB 3G / LTE / LTE-A / 5G modem connection status. (LuCI JS) | OpenWrt >= 21.02
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Issues with Argon Theme #66

Open stich86 opened 2 months ago

stich86 commented 2 months ago

Hi @4IceG,

i've instellad on my BPI-R3-Mini the Argon Theme, but 3ginfo-lite has some graphical issue like "SIM card" icon not alligned and the text "More information about the 3ginfo on the eko.one.pl forum." that goes out the div when page is resized, here is some example?

how to play with the DIV to align "SIM card" icon and avoid overlap of info text?


Enlarge window:


Resize window (small horizontal lenght):


thanks for any tips :)

4IceG commented 2 months ago

Hi @stich86 , now I know why I don't use third-party themes 😄.

From what I can see, the material theme (Argon works on this theme) has a problem with the ifacebox object, I don't know if it is not described there or if it is there but defined differently (I did not investigate). On the luci-theme-openwrt-2020 theme it looks acceptable.

Unofficial themes are nice as long as they are maintained and supported.

stich86 commented 2 months ago

I understand.. I'm tweaking a little bit playing with padding, I can get good alignment

Just figure out where to add these mods. In which JS are this page generated? 3gdetail.js?


4IceG commented 2 months ago

I know where I set it Link, the question is whether setting it permanently will not ruin the appearance of other themes.

In this case, it would be best to add a css file with the missing description for ifacebox Link. I'm just not sure that it will work with every theme.

Have you tried adding the missing css sections to the Argon theme?