4Q-s-r-o / thumbnailer

A Flutter plugin that is able to generate thumbnails from files with various mime types. If thumbnail generation is not support for specific mime type, then a fallback icon is returned
MIT License
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please update font_awesome_flutter #7

Closed barbalex closed 2 years ago

barbalex commented 2 years ago

When running flutter pub get I get:

Running "flutter pub get" in capturing...                       
Because thumbnailer 2.0.1 depends on font_awesome_flutter ^9.0.0 and capturing depends on font_awesome_flutter 10.1.0, thumbnailer 2.0.1 is forbidden.
So, because capturing depends on thumbnailer 2.0.1, version solving failed.
ethael commented 2 years ago

Hello. Sorry for late response. We will update dependencies to up-to-date versions soon after we will upgrade internally to Flutter 3. Thumbnailer depends on native_pdf_renderer, which has a bug that prevents successful build on Flutter3 (https://github.com/ScerIO/packages.flutter/issues/298). We will release new version when it will work with all deps under Flutter 3

ethael commented 2 years ago

fixed in 2.0.2