4chan / 4chan-API

Documentation for 4chan's read-only JSON API.
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Archive. json how often is it updated? #95

Closed dybxin closed 2 years ago

dybxin commented 2 years ago

i want to learn the archive.json, how often to update?

desuwa commented 2 years ago

It's updated every time a thread is archived.

dybxin commented 2 years ago

i notice here, so the archive.json update every 10 seconds?

example link: https://a.4cdn.org/biz/archive.json I wait 10 seconds to refresh the link and the result doesn't change.

desuwa commented 2 years ago


Archived threads are read-only threads that are are closed to new replies and images. Threads are archived when they are pushed off the last page of a board. Archived threads and their attachments remain viewable for a specific amount of time before they are automatically deleted from 4chan. It's important to note that not all boards have archives enabled.

archive.json is updated every time a thread gets archived.

i notice here, so the archive.json update every 10 seconds?

No, "thread updating" refers to how often you fetch a thread json to check for updates.

dybxin commented 2 years ago

@desuwa when thread updates are triggered? i'm sorry , maybe I didn't understand what you meant. i want to known when thread updates are triggered? every day , every weekly or every month?

dybxin commented 2 years ago

Threads are archived when they are pushed off the last page of a board.

Threads are archived when they are pushed off the last page of a board.

This sentence does not indicate how often thread archiving is triggered. It only said that the condition for triggering the archive is when the last page is pulled. What I want to understand is how often does thread archiving do? A month a week or a day?

desuwa commented 2 years ago

This Json API mirrors what you see on 4chan when you browse the HTML pages normally.

Thread jsons correspond to thread pages you see when you visit specific threads. These html pages and jsons are updated whenever a thread gets updated (when a new reply is added, when a reply is deleted, etc). If you post a comment in a thread, that thread will get updated and you will see your new comment at the bottom of the thread. That is an "update".

The archive list gets updated in the same fashion. Whenever a thread is archived, it gets added to archive.json. Threads get archived when they "fall off" the board, as in, when they go over the maximum page on a board. It's not based on time. It's just like a normal forum except that there's a limited number of pages and when a thread goes over the maximum page, it gets archived.

dybxin commented 2 years ago

This Json API mirrors what you see on 4chan when you browse the HTML pages normally.

Thread jsons correspond to thread pages you see when you visit specific threads. These html pages and jsons are updated whenever a thread gets updated (when a new reply is added, when a reply is deleted, etc). If you post a comment in a thread, that thread will get updated and you will see your new comment at the bottom of the thread. That is an "update".

The archive list gets updated in the same fashion. Whenever a thread is archived, it gets added to archive.json. Threads get archived when they "fall off" the board, as in, when go over the maximum page on a board. It's not based on time. It's just like a normal forum except that there's a limited number of pages and when a thread goes over the maximum page, it gets archived.

@desuwa Thanks a million,i understand.