I am looking to integrate MetaMask wallet functionality into our application. This integration will allow users to securely connect their MetaMask wallet for interacting with the blockchain. The purpose of this task is to ensure that the wallet is integrated correctly, and users can perform basic actions such as viewing their wallet address and interacting with the blockchain.
Acceptance Criteria:
MetaMask Installation Check:
Ensure MetaMask is installed and available for the user.
Display a prompt if MetaMask is not installed, asking the user to install it.
Connect/Disconnect Wallet:
Provide a "Connect Wallet" button to allow users to connect their MetaMask wallet.
Show the wallet address once the connection is successful.
Add functionality to disconnect the wallet.
Network Handling:
Detect the network (e.g., Mainnet, Ropsten) and notify the user if they are on the wrong network.
Allow the user to switch networks if necessary.
Blockchain Interaction:
Enable sending basic transactions (e.g., transferring tokens or ETH).
Fetch and display the user’s wallet balance.
Error Handling:
Provide proper error messages if the wallet connection fails, network is wrong, or other errors occur.
Technical Requirements:
Use ethers.js or web3.js for the MetaMask wallet integration.
Ensure security and privacy of the user's wallet data.
Priority: High
Level: 3 (Review by senior developer required)
Category: Blockchain
Event: Hacktoberfest
please assign this under Hacktoberfest and WOB24
Use Case
Provide proper error messages if the wallet connection fails, network is wrong, or other errors occur.
UI/UX Considerations:
Ensure the "Connect Wallet" flow is smooth and intuitive.
Add proper loading states and user feedback during the connection process.
Make the website more functionalble and easy to use
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Feature Description
I am looking to integrate MetaMask wallet functionality into our application. This integration will allow users to securely connect their MetaMask wallet for interacting with the blockchain. The purpose of this task is to ensure that the wallet is integrated correctly, and users can perform basic actions such as viewing their wallet address and interacting with the blockchain.
Acceptance Criteria: MetaMask Installation Check:
Ensure MetaMask is installed and available for the user. Display a prompt if MetaMask is not installed, asking the user to install it. Connect/Disconnect Wallet:
Provide a "Connect Wallet" button to allow users to connect their MetaMask wallet. Show the wallet address once the connection is successful. Add functionality to disconnect the wallet. Network Handling:
Detect the network (e.g., Mainnet, Ropsten) and notify the user if they are on the wrong network. Allow the user to switch networks if necessary. Blockchain Interaction:
Enable sending basic transactions (e.g., transferring tokens or ETH). Fetch and display the user’s wallet balance. Error Handling:
Provide proper error messages if the wallet connection fails, network is wrong, or other errors occur. Technical Requirements: Use ethers.js or web3.js for the MetaMask wallet integration. Ensure security and privacy of the user's wallet data. Priority: High Level: 3 (Review by senior developer required) Category: Blockchain Event: Hacktoberfest please assign this under Hacktoberfest and WOB24
Use Case
Provide proper error messages if the wallet connection fails, network is wrong, or other errors occur. UI/UX Considerations:
Ensure the "Connect Wallet" flow is smooth and intuitive. Add proper loading states and user feedback during the connection process.
Make the website more functionalble and easy to use