4gray / iptvnator

:tv: Cross-platform IPTV player application with multiple features, such as support of m3u and m3u8 playlists, favorites, TV guide, TV archive/catchup and more.
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Query about EPG and grey loading screen #371

Open janguv opened 3 months ago

janguv commented 3 months ago

Discussed in https://github.com/4gray/iptvnator/discussions/335

Originally posted by **janguv** December 7, 2023 Hi there, thanks for developing this app! It fills a much-needed gap on MacOS. I've run into a couple of issues and wondering if people here can help. 1. I'm using an Xtream playlist, and there's no visible EPG. There's a toast message that doesn't clear by itself, saying "Fetching EPG data..." but nothing ever comes of it. I see there's an option to add an EPG via .xml, but my Xtream provider hasn't provided one and when I asked said they couldn't. When I use other apps/platforms, the EPG loads automatically so I thought it was given with the Xtream server info. Any ideas? 2. For a while, despite the promise, I couldn't use this app because all streams wouldn't actually produce video/audio – instead, all I get is a grey screen with the loading circle, even though according to my data counter, my device is receiving data consistent with actually streaming. I've only just realised I could set an external app to play through, and that works fine! So great, but still wondering what's up with the native viewer.
glennlunder commented 2 months ago

I can confirm the EPG behaviour. I also an using an Xtream playlist, and I get no option in the EPG selector. It'd be nice to be able to select the built-in in the playlist I was using.