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Add sorting for assets bin #6473

Open LousyMolars opened 2 months ago

LousyMolars commented 2 months ago


I enjoy that I can manually sort folders and objects in assets bin, and that this structure is saved in project file. However, it would be nice to sort them by name or file type (folder being one of the types). Now it can feel a bit chaotic, when you have a bunch of folders, subfolders and assets of different types in project with no easy way to sort it. Demonstration of sorting from After Effects -


Solution suggested

In my opinion additional button would suffice and not disturb existing UI at the same time: image Example of what kind of list could be in menu for this button:

LuniMoon commented 2 months ago

Note for engineering: This feature appears on the file "02 Editor Panels" on the first page under the "Object Panel" sheet 🌟 .