4jean / lav_sms

Laravel School Management System (LAVSMS)
MIT License
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Not able to get login page #59

Open dkikan opened 1 year ago

dkikan commented 1 year ago

Thank for your efforts. I installed by following the readme and added key instruction as well because without that an error was coming. Also, it shows the folder contents rather than the index or login page so had to go to /public folder but now getting 404 page not found error.

Only issue that appeared during composer install is the following: Class App\Http\Controllers\BookController located in C:/wamp64/www/lav-sms/app\Http\Controllers\SupportTeam\BookController.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping. Class App\Http\Controllers\BookRequestController located in C:/wamp64/www/lav-sms/app\Http\Controllers\SupportTeam\BookRequestController.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping. Class App\Book located in C:/wamp64/www/lav-sms/app\Models\Book.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping. Class App\BookRequest located in C:/wamp64/www/lav-sms/app\Models\BookRequest.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.

Environment: WAMP64 server php 8.0.13 mysql 5.7.36 windows machine

Am I missing something important of the installation steps? Please advise.

Update: I ran the composer update again after Key was setup. However everytime I need to add /public/index.php to the URL to access the correct page. It seems that I am still missing some key step.

yungifez commented 1 year ago

You need to point your server to the public folder

dkikan commented 1 year ago

You need to point your server to the public folder

Thanks for the quick reply. I have set it up to http://localhost/lavsms/public/ in .env and config/app.php but still same issue. Can you please be specific regarding the change I need to make. Many thanks again.

yungifez commented 1 year ago

You are using wamp right?

You have 2 choices here

Either you set up a vhost using wibdows host mapping and wamp virtual hosts


Or use laravel php server by running

Php artisan serve 

And opening up the URL you are given

dkikan commented 1 year ago

You are using wamp right?

You have 2 choices here

Either you set up a vhost using wibdows host mapping and wamp virtual hosts


Or use laravel php server by running

Php artisan serve 

And opening up the URL you are given

Hi really appreciate your help and patience. I already had the virtual host defined as localhost and had created an alias for the public folder which I normally do for all the php projects and they all work but not this one. Creation of virtual host directed towards public folder indeed worked but the images are not loading as they are having path name as //localhost/global_assets and there is no alias for global_assets that is created. seems like a long list of virtual hosts/aliases that I need to create. Please advise.

and thanks again for your efforts in creating this project.

yungifez commented 1 year ago

No no

I didn't create this project, i creates another because this one didn't quite hit my requirements like managing multiple schools etc

Also, why would you keep images in global assets, what's the reasoning behind this and what kinds of images are these?

If you are interested in checking out mine, its pinned on my profile

dkikan commented 1 year ago

No no

I didn't create this project, i creates another because this one didn't quite hit my requirements like managing multiple schools etc

Also, why would you keep images in global assets, what's the reasoning behind this and what kinds of images are these?

If you are interested in checking out mine, its pinned on my profile

sorry for the confusion, I thought you created this. coming to the global_assets, I didn't have any images in this but the project is looking for images in this folder and not able to find anything. I am really not very happy to continue with this project as it is missing multi school and transportation features. I am trying to get the skuul one working as there are many tables that are missing from there. Is that the one you are currently managing? should I raise issues related to that under that project. Thanks for your efforts and contribution.

yungifez commented 1 year ago

Yes i am the creator of skuul

If you have problems with images showing, check your APP_URL