4lex4nder / ReshadeEffectShaderToggler

Reshade 5+ addin to apply Reshade effects to render targets of shader groups based on a key press. It allows you to configure these groups from within the addin as well.
MIT License
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Effects with the same technique name #5

Open FoGsesipod opened 1 year ago

FoGsesipod commented 1 year ago

Having multiple files with the same technique names (such as using CAS.fx and cCAS.fx), REST will enable both of them in your enabled shaders list on load.

easily reproducible by having two shaders with the same technique name, enable REST, enable one of those shaders and both will be enabled. untick one of them and click reload, both will be enabled once again.

(not really high priority issue, since using "Only load enabled effects" basically solves this issue.)

4lex4nder commented 1 year ago

If I recall correctly, then you can't separate techniques by their respective origin files through the API, hence they just get all triggered. Need to double check.