Minimum length of the passwords should be enforced by the application. Many security researchers suggest at least 12–16 characters.
Maximum password length should not be set too low, as it will prevent users from creating passphrases. A common maximum length is 64 characters due to limitations in certain hashing algorithms.
Allow usage of all characters including unicode and whitespace. There should be no password composition rules limiting the type of characters permitted.
Ensure credential rotation when a password leak or data breach is identified.
Include a password strength meter to help users create a more complex password and block common and previously breached passwords.
implement weak‑password checks, such as testing new or changed passwords against a list of the top 10,000 worst passwords.
Align password length, complexity, and rotation policies with NIST 800-63 B’s guidelines in section 5.1.1 for Memorized Secrets or other modern, evidence‑based password policies.