4refr0nt / iot-manager-demo

Demo sketches for IoT Manager https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.esp8266.iotmanager
MIT License
66 stars 31 forks source link

Translation Portuguese #10

Open DanielJean007 opened 7 years ago

DanielJean007 commented 7 years ago

Hi there. Great app you've put together. Congrats. I'm willing to use your app as the front end for my projects, but my clients are from Brazil. Although there is the Spanish translation, it is not like Portuguese. Can I help you translating this App to Portuguese?


4refr0nt commented 7 years ago

Translators welcomed! Make your lang constants and send to me:

window.translations = {
    'EN': {
        SETTINGS_MENU: 'Settings',
        DASHBOARD: 'Dashboard',
        VIEW_LOG_MENU: 'View log',
        STATISTICS: 'Statistics',
        HELP: 'Help',
        CHANGE_LANG: 'Language',
        ENGINE: 'Select engine',
        SET_ENGINE_PAHO_NATIVE: 'Paho native (pure MQTT)',
        SET_ENGINE_PAHO: 'Paho (MQTT over Websockets)',
        SET_ENGINE_MQTT: 'MQTT (MQTT over Websockets)',
        CONNECTION: 'Set connection data',
        OPTIONS_LOGGING: 'Enable events logging',
        OPTIONS_TOASTING: 'Enable Toast messages',
        OPTIONS_PUSHING: 'Enable Push Notification',
        OPTIONS_RECONNECT: 'Reconnect after connection lost',
        OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUS: 'Show connection status',
        OPTIONS_SHOWPAGES: 'Show pages tabs',
        OPTIONS_SHOWPAGEALL: 'Show page "ALL"',
        OPTIONS_SHOWNAVBAR: 'Show NavBar',
        OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUSBAR: 'Show Status Bar',
        OPTIONS_REFRESH: 'Pull to refresh',
        OPTIONS_LOCKORIENT: 'Lock orientation',
        MORE_FRIEDENLY: 'Be more friendly',
        OPTIONS_ENDUSER: 'End-user mode',
        NO_DATA: 'Broker connected, but not have data from devices.  Please run your IoT devices to connect to the broker.',
        CONNECTED: 'Broker',
        DISCONNECTED: 'Broker',
        APP_LAUNCHED: 'App launched',
        BROKER_CONNECTED: 'Broker connected',
        SUBSCRIBED_TOPICS: 'Subscribed topics',
        MSG_SENT: 'Messages sent',
        LAST: 'last',
        MSG_RCV: 'Messages rcv',
        MSG_DELAYED: 'Messages delayed',
        CONNECTED_SUCCESS: 'Connected successfully!',
        CONNECT_FAIL: 'Broker disconnected',
        CONNECTION_LOST: 'Connection LOST!',
        LOG_CLEAR: 'Log clear: Success.',
        STAT_RESET: 'Statistics reset: Success.',
        STAT_RESET_BTN: 'Reset',
        SELECT_PROTO: 'elect protocol',
        CONNECTING: 'Connecting...',
        NOT_CONNECTED: 'Broker not connected',
        ALERT1_TITLE: 'Before start',
        ALERT1_BUTTON: 'Connection Setup',
        ALERT1_TEXT: 'Please, enter MQTT HOSTNAME',
        ALERT2_TEXT: 'Please, enter MQTT WebSockets PORT',
        ALERT_RETRY: 'Retry?',
        ALERT_YES: 'Yes',
        ALERT_NO: 'No',
        ALERT_CANCEL: 'Cancel',
        NEXT: 'Next',
        SKIP: 'Skip intro',
        ALL: 'All',
        NOVICE: 'Connection Wizard',
        ADVANCED: 'For advanced user',
        SETTINGS_REQ: 'Please set MQTT broker connection',
        WELCOME: 'Welcome wizard',
        WIDGETS_GUIDE: 'Widgets guide',
        SAVE_AND_GO: 'Save',
        VIDEO: 'Video',
        EXIT: 'Exit',
        EXIT_CONFIRM: 'Exit from IoT Manager?',
        D_DISCONNECT_NOW: 'Disconnect now?',
        D_RECONNECT_NEED: 'Reconnect needed',
        D_RESTART_NEED: 'New settings will take effect after app restart',
        OPTIONS_ONPAUSE: 'Disconnect on app background',
        SAVE_AND_BACK: 'Save and Go Back',
        SETUP_SYS: 'System setup',
        SETUP_VIEW: 'View settings',
        CHANGE_THEME: 'Color theme',
        NOT_NOW: 'Not now',
        SHARE: 'Share with friends',
        PROFILES: 'Profiles',
        PREVIEW: 'Preview',                     // widgets preview in profiles menu
        ALERT_TITLE: 'Attention!',              // confirmation dialog when profiles receiving
        ALERT3_TEXT: 'Import from broker and replace ALL existing profiles?',
        ALERT4_TEXT: 'Delete this profile?',
        OPTIONS_PROFILES: 'Use profiles and DomoSpy', // Settings - Sytem settings
        NO_PROFILES: 'You do not have any profiles yet. For importing profiles use topic "/IoTmanager/exchange/input". JSON data format: { cmd: string, data: array of objects } Available commands: SET, GET. For easy importing/exporting profiles list you can use command-line tool "proLoader"',
        GOTO_DASHBOARD: 'GOTO DASHBOARD',       // button on Connection Wizard, page 3
        NOVICE_MODE: 'Novice mode',             // Settings menu
        PUSH_ID: 'Push notification ID',        // Stat menu - View push notification ID (mobile ids)
        IOTM_SITE: 'IoT Manager official site', // Help menu and About
        EXAMPLES_GITHUB: 'Examples on Github',  // Help menu
        WAKEUP_HEROKU: 'Wake up Heroku Demo',   // Help menu
        OPTIONS_SHOWLAST: 'Always show last status time',
        WHATS_NEW: 'Whats new',
        WHATS_NEW_1: 'New widget gauge',
        WHATS_NEW_2: 'anydata widget support "before" and "after" attribute',
        WHATS_NEW_3: 'Bug fix',
        WHATS_NEW_4: '',
        WHATS_NEW_5: '',
        WHATS_NEW_6: '',
        WHATS_NEW_7: '',
'YourLanguageCodeThere': {
        SETTINGS_MENU: 'Your Language Settings',
DanielJean007 commented 7 years ago

Sure thing. By the end of this week I''ll be posting it to you. :)

DanielJean007 commented 7 years ago

Follow: Please, if you have any question just let me know.

window.translations = { 'EN': { SETTINGS_MENU: 'Settings', DASHBOARD: 'Dashboard', VIEW_LOG_MENU: 'View log', STATISTICS: 'Statistics', HELP: 'Help', CHANGE_LANG: 'Language', ENGINE: 'Select engine', SET_ENGINE_PAHO_NATIVE: 'Paho native (pure MQTT)', SET_ENGINE_PAHO: 'Paho (MQTT over Websockets)', SET_ENGINE_MQTT: 'MQTT (MQTT over Websockets)', CONNECTION: 'Set connection data', OPTIONS_OTHER: 'OTHER SETTINGS', OPTIONS_LOGGING: 'Enable events logging', OPTIONS_TOASTING: 'Enable Toast messages', OPTIONS_PUSHING: 'Enable Push Notification', OPTIONS_RECONNECT: 'Reconnect after connection lost', OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUS: 'Show connection status', OPTIONS_SHOWPAGES: 'Show pages tabs', OPTIONS_SHOWPAGEALL: 'Show page "ALL"', OPTIONS_SHOWNAVBAR: 'Show NavBar', OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUSBAR: 'Show Status Bar', OPTIONS_REFRESH: 'Pull to refresh', OPTIONS_LOCKORIENT: 'Lock orientation', MORE_FRIEDENLY: 'Be more friendly', OPTIONS_ENDUSER: 'End-user mode', NO_DATA: 'Broker connected, but not have data from devices. Please run your IoT devices to connect to the broker.', CONNECTED: 'Broker', DISCONNECTED: 'Broker', APP_LAUNCHED: 'App launched', BROKER_CONNECTED: 'Broker connected', SUBSCRIBED_TOPICS: 'Subscribed topics', MSG_SENT: 'Messages sent', LAST: 'last', MSG_RCV: 'Messages rcv', MSG_DELAYED: 'Messages delayed', SEND_EMAIL: 'SEND ID TO E-MAIL', CONNECTED_SUCCESS: 'Connected successfully!', CONNECT_FAIL: 'Broker disconnected', CONNECTION_LOST: 'Connection LOST!', LOG_CLEAR: 'Log clear: Success.', STAT_RESET: 'Statistics reset: Success.', STAT_RESET_BTN: 'Reset', SELECT_PROTO: 'elect protocol', CONNECTING: 'Connecting...', NOT_CONNECTED: 'Broker not connected', ALERT1_TITLE: 'Before start', ALERT1_BUTTON: 'Connection Setup', ALERT1_TEXT: 'Please, enter MQTT HOSTNAME', ALERT2_TEXT: 'Please, enter MQTT WebSockets PORT', ALERT_RETRY: 'Retry?', ALERT_ERROR: 'ERROR', ALERT_YES: 'Yes', ALERT_NO: 'No', ALERT_CANCEL: 'Cancel', NEXT: 'Next', SKIP: 'Skip intro', ALL: 'All', NOVICE: 'Connection Wizard', ADVANCED: 'For advanced user', SETTINGS_REQ: 'Please set MQTT broker connection', WELCOME: 'Welcome wizard', WIDGETS_GUIDE: 'Widgets guide', SAVE_AND_GO: 'Save', VIDEO: 'Video', EXIT: 'Exit', EXIT_CONFIRM: 'Exit from IoT Manager?', D_DISCONNECT_NOW: 'Disconnect now?', D_RECONNECT_NEED: 'Reconnect needed', D_RESTART_NEED: 'New settings will take effect after app restart', OPTIONS_ONPAUSE: 'Disconnect on app background', SAVE_AND_BACK: 'Save and Go Back', SETUP_SYS: 'System setup', SETUP_VIEW: 'View settings', CHANGE_THEME: 'Color theme', NOT_NOW: 'Not now', SHARE: 'Share with friends', PROFILES: 'Profiles', PREVIEW: 'Preview', // widgets preview in profiles menu ALERT_TITLE: 'Attention!', // confirmation dialog when profiles receiving ALERT3_TEXT: 'Import from broker and replace ALL existing profiles?', ALERT4_TEXT: 'Delete this profile?', OPTIONS_PROFILES: 'Use profiles and DomoSpy', // Settings - Sytem settings NO_PROFILES: 'You do not have any profiles yet. For importing profiles use topic "/IoTmanager/exchange/input". JSON data format: { cmd: string, data: array of objects } Available commands: SET, GET. For easy importing/exporting profiles list you can use command-line tool "proLoader"', GOTO_DASHBOARD: 'GOTO DASHBOARD', // button on Connection Wizard, page 3 NOVICE_MODE: 'Novice mode', // Settings menu PUSH_ID: 'Push notification ID', // Stat menu - View push notification ID (mobile ids) IOTM_SITE: 'IoT Manager official site', // Help menu and About EXAMPLES_GITHUB: 'Examples on Github', // Help menu WAKEUP_HEROKU: 'Wake up Heroku Demo', // Help menu OPTIONS_SHOWLAST: 'Always show last status time', WHATS_NEW: 'Whats new', WHATS_NEW_1: 'New widget gauge', WHATS_NEW_2: 'anydata widget support "before" and "after" attribute', WHATS_NEW_3: 'Bug fix', WHATS_NEW_4: '', WHATS_NEW_5: '', WHATS_NEW_6: '', WHATS_NEW_7: '', }, 'PT': { SETTINGS_MENU: 'Configurações', DASHBOARD: 'Painel de Controle', VIEW_LOG_MENU: 'Visualizar log', STATISTICS: 'Estatísticas', HELP: 'Ajuda', CHANGE_LANG: 'Idioma', ENGINE: 'Selecione protocolo', SET_ENGINE_PAHO_NATIVE: 'Paho nativo (MQTT puro)', SET_ENGINE_PAHO: 'Paho (MQTT com Websockets)', SET_ENGINE_MQTT: 'MQTT (MQTT com Websockets)', CONNECTION: 'Configurar conexão', OPTIONS_OTHER: 'OUTRAS CONFIGURAÇÕES', OPTIONS_LOGGING: 'Habilitar log the eventos', OPTIONS_TOASTING: 'Habilitar mensagens Toast', OPTIONS_PUSHING: 'Habilitar notificações Push', OPTIONS_RECONNECT: 'Reconectar após perder conexão', OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUS: 'Mostrar status de conexão', OPTIONS_SHOWPAGES: 'Mostrar Abas de páginas', OPTIONS_SHOWPAGEALL: 'Mostrar página "TUDO"', OPTIONS_SHOWNAVBAR: 'Mostrar NavBar', OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUSBAR: 'Mostrar Barra de Status', OPTIONS_REFRESH: 'Deslize para atualizar', OPTIONS_LOCKORIENT: 'Travar orientação', MORE_FRIEDENLY: 'Ser mais amigável', OPTIONS_ENDUSER: 'Modo de usuário final', NO_DATA: 'Broker conectado, mas não tem informações de dispositivos. Por favor inicie seus dispositivos IoT para conectar ao Broker', CONNECTED: 'Broker', DISCONNECTED: 'Broker', APP_LAUNCHED: 'App executada', BROKER_CONNECTED: 'Broker conectado', SUBSCRIBED_TOPICS: 'Tópicos Subscritos', MSG_SENT: 'Mensagens enviadas', LAST: 'Último', MSG_RCV: 'Mensagens recebidas', MSG_DELAYED: 'Mensagens Atrasadas', SEND_EMAIL: 'ENVIAR ID PARA E-MAIL', CONNECTED_SUCCESS: 'Conectado com sucesso!', CONNECT_FAIL: 'Broker desconectado', CONNECTION_LOST: 'Conexão PERDIDA!', LOG_CLEAR: 'Limpar Log: Sucesso.', STAT_RESET: 'Resetar Estatísticas: Sucesso.', STAT_RESET_BTN: 'Resetar', SELECT_PROTO: 'Protocolo escolhido', CONNECTING: 'Conectando...', NOT_CONNECTED: 'Broker não conectado', ALERT1_TITLE: 'Antes de iniciar', ALERT1_BUTTON: 'Ajuste de Conexão', ALERT1_TEXT: 'Por favor, insira endereço do MQTT', ALERT2_TEXT: 'Por favor, insira PORTA do WebSocket MQTT', ALERT_RETRY: 'Repetir?', ALERT_ERROR: 'ERRO', ALERT_YES: 'Sim', ALERT_NO: 'Não', ALERT_CANCEL: 'Cancela', NEXT: 'Próximo', SKIP: 'Pular intro', ALL: 'Tudo', NOVICE: 'Assistente de Conexão', ADVANCED: 'Para usuários avançados', SETTINGS_REQ: 'Por favor, configurar conexão com MQTT Broker', WELCOME: 'Bem-vindo ao assistente', WIDGETS_GUIDE: 'Guia dos Widgets', SAVE_AND_GO: 'Salvar', VIDEO: 'Vídeo', EXIT: 'Sair', EXIT_CONFIRM: 'Sair do IoT Manager?', D_DISCONNECT_NOW: 'Desconectar agora?', D_RECONNECT_NEED: 'Necessário reconectar', D_RESTART_NEED: 'Novas configurações terão efeito após App reinicializar', OPTIONS_ONPAUSE: 'Desconectar quando App em plano de fundo', SAVE_AND_BACK: 'Salvar e retornar', SETUP_SYS: 'Ajuste de Sistema', SETUP_VIEW: 'Configaração de Visualização', CHANGE_THEME: 'Temas', NOT_NOW: 'Não agora', SHARE: 'Compartilhe com amigos', PROFILES: 'Perfis', PREVIEW: 'Pré-visualização', // widgets preview in profiles menu ALERT_TITLE: 'Atenção!', // confirmation dialog when profiles receiving ALERT3_TEXT: 'Importar do Broker e substituir TODOS os perfis existentes?', ALERT4_TEXT: 'Deletar este perfil?', OPTIONS_PROFILES: 'Usar perfis e DomoSpy', // Settings - Sytem settings NO_PROFILES: 'Você ainda não possui nenhum perfil. Para importar perfis use o tópico "/IoTmanager/exchange/input". JSON data format: { cmd: string, data: array of objects } Comandos disponíveis: SET, GET. Para facilitar Importat/Exportar lista de perfis use a ferramenta de linha de comnado "proLoader"', GOTO_DASHBOARD: 'IR PARA PAINEL DE CONTROLE', // button on Connection Wizard, page 3 NOVICE_MODE: 'Modo Novato', // Settings menu PUSH_ID: 'ID de notificação PUSH', // Stat menu - View push notification ID (mobile ids) IOTM_SITE: 'Site oficial IoT Manager', // Help menu and About EXAMPLES_GITHUB: 'Exemplos no Github', // Help menu WAKEUP_HEROKU: 'Mostrar Heroku Demo', // Help menu OPTIONS_SHOWLAST: 'Sempre mostrar status de última vez', WHATS_NEW: 'O que há de novo', WHATS_NEW_1: 'Novo widget Disco', WHATS_NEW_2: 'Suporte para atributo "antes" e "depois" para anydata widget', WHATS_NEW_3: 'Retirada de Bugs', WHATS_NEW_4: '', WHATS_NEW_5: '', WHATS_NEW_6: '', WHATS_NEW_7: '', } }

4refr0nt commented 7 years ago

Many thanks! Its will be implemented in next version.

DanielJean007 commented 7 years ago

Thanks, Victor.

tranpic commented 6 years ago

this is VietNamese 'VN': { SETTINGS_MENU: 'Cài đặt', DASHBOARD: 'Bảng điều khiển', VIEW_LOG_MENU: 'Xem nhật ký', STATISTICS: 'Thống kê', HELP: 'Giúp đỡ', CHANGE_LANG: 'Ngôn ngữ', ENGINE: 'Lựa chọn công cụ', SET_ENGINE_PAHO_NATIVE: 'Paho native (pure MQTT)', SET_ENGINE_PAHO: 'Paho (MQTT over Websockets)', SET_ENGINE_MQTT: 'MQTT (MQTT over Websockets)', CONNECTION: 'Cài đặt kết nối', OPTIONS_OTHER: 'CÀI ĐẶT KHÁC', OPTIONS_LOGGING: 'Cho phép ghi lại nhật ký sự kiện', OPTIONS_TOASTING: 'Cho phép Toast messages', OPTIONS_PUSHING: 'Cho phép Push Notification', OPTIONS_RECONNECT: 'Kết nối lại sau khi mất kết nối', OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUS: 'Hiển thị trạng thái kết nối', OPTIONS_SHOWPAGES: 'Hiển thị các trang tabs', OPTIONS_SHOWPAGEALL: 'Hiển thị tất cả các trang', OPTIONS_SHOWNAVBAR: 'Hiển thị thanh NavBar', OPTIONS_SHOWSTATUSBAR: 'Hiển thị thanh trạng thái', OPTIONS_REFRESH: 'Kéo để làm mới', OPTIONS_LOCKORIENT: 'Khóa định hướng', MORE_FRIEDENLY: 'Thân thiện hơn', OPTIONS_ENDUSER: 'End-user mode', NO_DATA: 'Broker đã kết nối nhưng không có dữ liệu từ thiết bị. Hãy chạy thiết bị để kết nối với broker.', CONNECTED: 'Broker', DISCONNECTED: 'Broker', APP_LAUNCHED: 'Ứng dụng đã chạy', BROKER_CONNECTED: 'Broker đã kết nối', SUBSCRIBED_TOPICS: 'topics đã đăng ký', MSG_SENT: 'Messages đã gửi', LAST: 'sau', MSG_RCV: 'Messages rcv', MSG_DELAYED: 'Messages trễ', SEND_EMAIL: 'GỬI ID ĐẾN E-MAIL', CONNECTED_SUCCESS: 'Kết nối thành công!', CONNECT_FAIL: 'Mất kết nối Broker', CONNECTION_LOST: 'Mất kết nối!', LOG_CLEAR: 'Xóa nhật ký: Thành công.', STAT_RESET: 'Đặt lại thống kê: Thành công.', STAT_RESET_BTN: 'Đặt lại', SELECT_PROTO: 'Lựa chọn giao thức', CONNECTING: 'Đang kết nối...', NOT_CONNECTED: 'Không kết nối được Broker', ALERT1_TITLE: 'Trước khi bắt đầu', ALERT1_BUTTON: 'Cài đặt kết nối', ALERT1_TEXT: 'Nhập tên của MQTT', ALERT2_TEXT: 'Nhập PORT của MQTT WebSockets', ALERT_RETRY: 'Thử lại?', ALERT_ERROR: 'Lỗi', ALERT_YES: 'Có', ALERT_NO: 'Không', ALERT_CANCEL: 'Thoát', NEXT: 'Tới', SKIP: 'Bỏ qua', ALL: 'Tất cả', NOVICE: 'Hướng dẫn kết nối', ADVANCED: 'Người dùng nâng cao', SETTINGS_REQ: 'Cài đặt kết nối MQTT broker', WELCOME: 'Welcome wizard', WIDGETS_GUIDE: 'Hướng dẫn tiện ích', SAVE_AND_GO: 'Lưu', VIDEO: 'Video', EXIT: 'Thoát', EXIT_CONFIRM: 'Thoát IoT Manager?', D_DISCONNECT_NOW: 'Ngắt kết nối ngay?', D_RECONNECT_NEED: 'Cần kết nối lại', D_RESTART_NEED: 'Các cài đặt mới sẽ có hiệu lực sau khi khởi động lại', OPTIONS_ONPAUSE: 'Ngắt kết nối khi App chạy ẩn', SAVE_AND_BACK: 'Lưu và Quay lại', SETUP_SYS: 'cài đặt hệ thống', SETUP_VIEW: 'Cài đặt hiển thị', CHANGE_THEME: 'Màu theme', NOT_NOW: 'Không phải bây giờ', SHARE: 'Chia sẻ', PROFILES: 'Profiles', PREVIEW: 'Xem trước', // widgets preview in profiles menu ALERT_TITLE: 'Cảnh báo!', // confirmation dialog when profiles receiving ALERT3_TEXT: 'Nhập từ broker và thay thế toàn bộ profiles?', ALERT4_TEXT: 'Xóa profile này ?', OPTIONS_PROFILES: 'Use profiles and DomoSpy', // Settings - Sytem settings NO_PROFILES: 'You do not have any profiles yet. For importing profiles use topic "/IoTmanager/exchange/input". JSON data format: { cmd: string, data: array of objects } Available commands: SET, GET. For easy importing/exporting profiles list you can use command-line tool "proLoader"', GOTO_DASHBOARD: 'Đến bảng điều khiển', // button on Connection Wizard, page 3 NOVICE_MODE: 'Chế độ Novice', // Settings menu PUSH_ID: 'Push notification ID', // Stat menu - View push notification ID (mobile ids) IOTM_SITE: 'Trang chính thức của IoT Manager', // Help menu and About EXAMPLES_GITHUB: 'ví dụ trên Github', // Help menu WAKEUP_HEROKU: 'Wake up Heroku Demo', // Help menu OPTIONS_SHOWLAST: 'luôn luôn hiển thị trạng thái cuối', WHATS_NEW: 'Whats new', WHATS_NEW_1: 'New widget gauge', WHATS_NEW_2: 'anydata widget support "before" and "after" attribute', WHATS_NEW_3: 'Bug fix', WHATS_NEW_4: '', WHATS_NEW_5: '', WHATS_NEW_6: '', WHATS_NEW_7: '', },