4rtzel / poe-archnemesis-scanner

Tool for Path of Exile game to automatically scan Archemesis inventory and display related information
Apache License 2.0
64 stars 25 forks source link

Missing Innocence-Touched recipee ? #22

Closed Noctis- closed 2 years ago

Noctis- commented 2 years ago


solaris, lunaris, mirror and mana siphoner


4rtzel commented 2 years ago

The Innocence-Touched recipe is in the code:


It may be a problem with the scan algorithm. Could you look at the console output and check what 'Best match' confidence value for Innocence-Touched the tool outputs?

Noctis- commented 2 years ago

lets see:

`Best match for Kitava-Touched: x=95, y=310 confidence=0.6392040252685547 too low Best match for Innocence-Touched: x=532, y=530 confidence=0.553865909576416 too low Best match for Shakari-Touched: x=385, y=531 confidence=0.7006276845932007 too low Best match for Abberath-Touched: x=385, y=529 confidence=0.6876873970031738 too low Best match for Tukohama-Touched: x=458, y=458 confidence=0.6250371932983398 too low Best match for Brine King-Touched: x=385, y=532 confidence=0.9711883664131165 Best match for Arakaali-Touched: x=458, y=459 confidence=0.8737340569496155 too low Best match for Solaris-Touched: x=240, y=21 confidence=0.5818936228752136 too low Best match for Lunaris-Touched: x=458, y=532 confidence=0.6510383486747742 too low Best match for Effigy: x=94, y=313 confidence=0.9006615877151489 too low Best match for Empowered Elements: x=385, y=459 confidence=0.970725417137146 Best match for Crystal-Skinned: x=385, y=313 confidence=0.8029671907424927 too low Best match for Invulnerable: x=94, y=22 confidence=0.9732927680015564 Best match for Corrupter: x=385, y=95 confidence=0.914276659488678 too low Best match for Mana Siphoner: x=312, y=313 confidence=0.9765067100524902 Best match for Storm Strider: x=458, y=22 confidence=0.9729159474372864 Best match for Mirror Image: x=21, y=532 confidence=0.9748415350914001 Best match for Magma Barrier: x=94, y=313 confidence=0.8299623727798462 too low Best match for Evocationist: x=240, y=313 confidence=0.9749835133552551 Best match for Corpse Detonator: x=94, y=313 confidence=0.9260829091072083 too low Best match for Flame Strider: x=385, y=386 confidence=0.9770920872688293 Best match for Soul Eater: x=458, y=22 confidence=0.8564509153366089 too low Best match for Ice Prison: x=531, y=461 confidence=0.8785881400108337 too low Best match for Frost Strider: x=167, y=95 confidence=0.9724664688110352 Best match for Treant Horder: x=94, y=313 confidence=0.9085711240768433 too low Best match for Temporal Bubble: x=312, y=312 confidence=0.8545341491699219 too low Best match for Entangler: x=94, y=313 confidence=0.8214648962020874 too low Best match for Drought Bringer: x=94, y=313 confidence=0.9681397080421448 Best match for Hexer: x=94, y=313 confidence=0.8149510025978088 too low Best match for Executioner: x=531, y=313 confidence=0.8996334075927734 too low Best match for Rejuvenating: x=531, y=313 confidence=0.911217987537384 too low Best match for Necromancer: x=531, y=240 confidence=0.9662353992462158 Best match for Trickster: x=385, y=313 confidence=0.9662540555000305 Best match for Assassin: x=167, y=95 confidence=0.8823891878128052 too low Best match for Empowered Minions: x=385, y=95 confidence=0.8821072578430176 too low Best match for Heralding Minions: x=167, y=95 confidence=0.8461021184921265 too low Best match for Arcane Buffer: x=312, y=532 confidence=0.9869863390922546 Best match for Berserker: x=458, y=168 confidence=0.984238862991333 Best match for Bloodletter: x=167, y=313 confidence=0.9808443784713745 Best match for Bombardier: x=312, y=459 confidence=0.8970514535903931 too low Best match for Bonebreaker: x=167, y=240 confidence=0.9786893129348755 Best match for Chaosweaver: x=531, y=168 confidence=0.9797546863555908 Best match for Consecrator: x=240, y=22 confidence=0.9792669415473938 Best match for Deadeye: x=240, y=459 confidence=0.9808799624443054 Best match for Dynamo: x=531, y=168 confidence=0.7764760255813599 too low Best match for Echoist: x=240, y=532 confidence=0.983487606048584 Best match for Flameweaver: x=531, y=95 confidence=0.8544533848762512 too low Best match for Frenzied: x=167, y=313 confidence=0.9220961928367615 too low Best match for Frostweaver: x=312, y=240 confidence=0.9813529849052429 Best match for Gargantuan: x=21, y=386 confidence=0.9792617559432983 Best match for Hasted: x=458, y=313 confidence=0.9796620607376099 Best match for Incendiary: x=385, y=168 confidence=0.9827142953872681 Best match for Juggernaut: x=312, y=459 confidence=0.97847580909729 Best match for Malediction: x=312, y=168 confidence=0.9807348847389221 Best match for Opulent: x=177, y=89 confidence=0.43457379937171936 too low Best match for Overcharged: x=385, y=240 confidence=0.9798957109451294 Best match for Permafrost: x=167, y=168 confidence=0.9793198704719543 Best match for Sentinel: x=167, y=240 confidence=0.8876416087150574 too low Best match for Soul Conduit: x=94, y=240 confidence=0.9787299633026123 Best match for Steel-Infused: x=312, y=240 confidence=0.8622203469276428 too low Best match for Stormweaver: x=94, y=386 confidence=0.9807926416397095 Best match for Toxic: x=21, y=459 confidence=0.9832945466041565 Best match for Vampiric: x=167, y=318 confidence=0.8533781170845032 too low

{'Brine King-Touched': [(458, 459), (385, 532)], 'Empowered Elements': [(312, 95), (385, 459)], 'Invulnerable': [(94, 22), (312, 22)], 'Mana Siphoner': [(312, 313), (531, 459)], 'Storm Strider': [(385, 22), (458, 22), (458, 95)], 'Mirror Image': [(167, 459), (21, 532)], 'Evocationist': [(240, 313), (531, 386)], 'Flame Strider': [(240, 95), (21, 313), (385, 386), (458, 386)], 'Frost Strider': [(531, 22), (167, 95)], 'Drought Bringer': [(94, 313), (531, 313)], 'Necromancer': [(531, 240)], 'Trickster': [(385, 313)], 'Arcane Buffer': [(21, 168), (94, 168), (240, 168), (312, 532)], 'Berserker': [(21, 95), (458, 168)], 'Bloodletter': [(167, 313)], 'Bonebreaker': [(167, 240)], 'Chaosweaver': [(531, 168)], 'Consecrator': [(240, 22)], 'Deadeye': [(240, 459)], 'Echoist': [(240, 532)], 'Frostweaver': [(312, 240)], 'Gargantuan': [(21, 22), (21, 386), (167, 386), (240, 386), (312, 386)], 'Hasted': [(458, 313)], 'Incendiary': [(94, 95), (385, 168)], 'Juggernaut': [(167, 22), (531, 95), (312, 459)], 'Malediction': [(312, 168)], 'Overcharged': [(385, 240)], 'Permafrost': [(167, 168)], 'Soul Conduit': [(21, 240), (94, 240), (240, 240), (458, 240), (94, 532)], 'Stormweaver': [(94, 386)], 'Toxic': [(21, 459), (94, 459)]}`

so ... bit over half ?
Best match for Innocence-Touched: x=532, y=530 confidence=0.553865909576416 too low

Noctis- commented 2 years ago

hmmm ...wouldn't the above be the best match for each face ? i mean ..i don't have the tile for that, just the ingredients ... but it doesn't pop up ?

It fails to find these:

Best match for Solaris-Touched: x=240, y=21 confidence=0.5818936228752136 too low
Best match for Lunaris-Touched: x=458, y=532 confidence=0.6510383486747742 too low

but it does find these:

Best match for Mirror Image: x=21, y=532 confidence=0.9748415350914001
Best match for Mana Siphoner: x=312, y=313 confidence=0.9765067100524902


4rtzel commented 2 years ago

The confidence values are way below the threshold. Are you sure your scan window covers the whole inventory?

Noctis- commented 2 years ago


Noctis- commented 2 years ago

Hmm ..then again ... if i'm setting my own rectangle, do you calculate the scaling based on that ? or will it throw it off ?

also, what is it that you expect to be captured, just the square with the faces, or more than that ?

sozemego commented 2 years ago

It seems to be another case of a different picture than in game. I don't know if GGG updated them or what.

4rtzel commented 2 years ago

I went through https://poedb.tw/us/Archnemesis_league and updated other mismatched icons as well. This includes:

7797862 -- Opulent image 873932a -- Lunaris-Touched image 6b73cd9 -- Kitava-Touched image b72d7bb -- Innocence-Touched image 0a1960b -- Solaris-Touched image

I'll keep this issue open until the next release. One could download new images from the project's pictures directory to make it work before that.

Noctis- commented 2 years ago

Can confirm that placing the new pictures from the repo into my local folder make it work 👍


4rtzel commented 2 years ago

New release is out: https://github.com/4rtzel/poe-archnemesis-scanner/releases/tag/v0.1.0. Closing this issue.