4seer / openflutterecommerceapp

Open Flutter E-commerce App
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issue: #81: 7.1-Listing favorite items from local db. #123

Closed ptyagicodecamp closed 4 years ago

ptyagicodecamp commented 4 years ago

Fetching favorite items from the local database and displaying them in Favorite listing screen.

4seer commented 4 years ago

Please specify in what file and line do you fetch items from local database. Looks like you are missing some files in commit.

ptyagicodecamp commented 4 years ago

Please specify in what file and line do you fetch items from local database. Looks like you are missing some files in commit.

Looks like I fixed the bug in displaying favorite items returned from _getFavorite() method. I see local db is only being populated for tests, and using fake data for app. Am I missing something?

4seer commented 4 years ago

Please specify in what file and line do you fetch items from local database. Looks like you are missing some files in commit.

Looks like I fixed the bug in displaying favorite items returned from _getFavorite() method. I see local db is only being populated for tests, and using fake data for app. Am I missing something?

Ok. Initial message "Fetching favorite items from the local database and displaying them in Favorite listing screen." was not clear enough and was leaving an impression that some real fetching was supposed to take place.