4seer / openflutterecommerceapp

Open Flutter E-commerce App
GNU General Public License v3.0
849 stars 387 forks source link

14. Profile Settings Screen #88

Open 4seer opened 4 years ago

4seer commented 4 years ago

14.1. Profile Settings use-case: User clicks “Settings” in My Profile. Settings screen is displayed.

14.2. Change profile use-case: User changes full name field. Updates are saved locally.User changes date of birth field. Updates are saved locally.

14.3. Change notification use-case: Use changes notification for sales, new arrivals or delivery status changes. When changed from ON to OFF a confirmation popup appears and only if confirmed then changed to OFF.

14.4. Update remote profile settings use-case: User leaves Settings Screen. A remote API call is made to update settings.

E-commerce App Use-Case Description

Within this task you need to do the following:

  1. Pull all data from local database and render it on the screen.

  2. At this time mock remote repository calls for fetching data from a local JSON file. The data structure and method names should be taken from WooCommerce REST API docs.

pedr0luiz commented 3 years ago

Is this issue still going on?