4site-interactive-studios / engrid-template

ENgrid: Engaging Networks Grid Themes
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EN Feature Request: On error, jump to field input wrapper rather than field input label #69

Closed bryancasler closed 4 years ago

bryancasler commented 4 years ago

Submitted to EN Support

On a client-side form error the form jumps to the error label on the input field. This is causing an issue because using CSS we move the field error below the input field. So when the page jumps up to the field's error message, the input it's referring to and its label is above the fold.

Screencast: https://d.pr/v/ey14Gv

I think the form should jump to the input wrapper because that will include the field label, the field input, and the field's error message.

REF: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#sent/QgrcJHsTgsTbjxkXjsHCsVmBVKgSlsWKxLV

bryancasler commented 4 years ago

Moved to: https://github.com/4site-interactive-studios/en-wishlist/issues/1