Hi Support, this is probably a bigger conversation about Page Builder, but one thing we would love to have is a page template that is hard-coded top to bottom, but then a mechanism by which to mark sections in the template as editable regions. Not unlike what is doable in the Email Page Builder with " en__component--droppable ui-sortable" but while still retaining the ability to further add a component and insert columns.
And inside each of those editable regions then the user can further add a columns components, content components, or widgets.
In addition, we would also love to see a "Sections" component. Like "columns" except it provides no prescribed structure other than to add classes to each "section" so it can be a wrapper around the content inserted into it.
Lastly, on the "Columns" and proposed "Sections" components, have a way to add ID and Class(es) that will be applied to the parent element. That way it is uniquely targetable, right now not having that is a huge PITA.
Submitted to EN Support
REF: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#sent/QgrcJHrjCsSxZzXplwFwKmpGrZrLVMwWVXV