4teamwork / ftw.solr

Solr integration for Plone
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Add option to execute update commands in post commit hook. #191

Closed njohner closed 2 years ago

njohner commented 2 years ago

The main advantage to execute the update commands in a post commit hook is to shorten the time the ZODB is locked. On disadvantage is that the transaction does not get roll-backed when the after commit hooks fail. This is of no concern here, as we anyway do not make the transaction fail when the updates in solr go wrong. So there is no real drawback of executing all the update commands in an after transaction hook.

For https://4teamwork.atlassian.net/browse/CA-4291

njohner commented 2 years ago

@buchi can you have another look?

njohner commented 2 years ago

I enabled it by default