4teamwork / ftw.tika

This product integrates Apache Tika for full text indexing with Plone.
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The uninstall profile break up plone setups. #8

Closed phgross closed 10 years ago

phgross commented 10 years ago

When installing a plone site, in a project with the ftw.tika package included, it break up the profiles installation. It appears because the plone.app.jquery profile, which include the jquery library, isn't installed although it's part of the plone core setup.

When searching the problem, I found out that dropping the uninstall profile in the profiles.zcml(https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.tika/blob/master/ftw/tika/profiles.zcml#L16, https://github.com/4teamwork/ftw.tika/blob/master/ftw/tika/profiles.zcml#L33) solves the problem.

I'm not sure if this happen only with the combination of the ftw.tika and opengever.core sources, but should be solved anyway.

jone commented 10 years ago

@phgross is it possible that this atoo-many-setuphandlers issue with gever? If this is the case it could easily be fixed using ftw.profilehook.

lukasgraf commented 10 years ago

@jone I'm pretty sure that was the case, and should be resolved now that opengever setuphandlers have been rewritten using ftw.profilehook. We also encountered the issue with the plone.app.jquery profile not being installed in setups where ftw.tika wasn't in play.