501stLegionA3 / FiveOhFirstDataCore

A Web App designed to manage the 501st Legion StarSim Roster.
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String Format Display Object #373

Open hobnob11 opened 2 years ago

hobnob11 commented 2 years ago


Currently, displaying the most basic of information takes up multiple screens worth of space, as each individual var requires its own display component. Ideally, there'd be a single display component called like "Format String Display" that lets you input a string.format style string, and then select the avars you want.


So for example, in the text field i'd type: "Time In Service (TiS): {$0 - $1}\nTime In Grade (TiG): {$0 - $2}\nTime In Billet (TiB): {$0 - $3}" And then I'd have some kind of multi selection that lets me select Avars, as well as some useful static members i.e "todays date", so in the example i'd want to select "Todays Date, Enlistment Date, Last Promotion Date, Last Billet Change Date"

Something that'd probably require special handling but would be used constantly is the ability to perform simple "math" on the variables. In the example I convert an enlistment date to a time in service time by subtracting today from enlistment date. The only other way to get this kinda information would be to hard code some kind of custom display.

Going further, if the field supported more than just string format, i.e something like markdown, so that images, better formatting and general control would go a long way to help make pages more useful.

Page Design

text entry box, multiline possibly even a rich text editor multi element selection dialog with choices between all relevant Avars as well as useful statics i.e todays date.


Any additional notes go here.