502463708 / Confident_Learning_for_Noisy-labeled_Medical_Image_Segmentation

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tabular data/ noisy instances #4

Open nazaretl opened 2 years ago

nazaretl commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for sharing your implementation. I have two questions about it:

  1. Does it also work on tabular data?
  2. Is it possible to identify the noisy instances (return the noisy IDs or the clean set)?


502463708 commented 2 years ago
  1. what do you mean by mentioning tabular data
  2. yes
nazaretl commented 2 years ago

non-image data, e.g. Iris dataset, where convolutions are not possible/ meaningfull

502463708 commented 2 years ago

probably yes as long as you got a probabilistic model, because our method works on the prediction results

nazaretl commented 2 years ago

I see, thank you. But for that the GitHub implementation has to be rewritten right? It seems that it is tailored to 3 datasets (there is no dataset-independent implementation so far).

Could you send me your paper please? I don't have access to it via the link in the repository.

502463708 commented 1 year ago

It is now available in Google Scholar.