5050frames / core-frame-system

50/50's Core Frame System development kit
16 stars 4 forks source link

Possible to get FreeCAD versions? #4

Open ThePatient opened 3 years ago

ThePatient commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible to get FreeCAD versions of the models?

It'd be really nice if a FreeCAD version could be added for folks who don't want to use Fusion360.

I'm a beginner parametric modeler and I don't know that I have the skills needed yet to convert from .stl or .step files. From some googling, it looks like .f3d conversion is an area of active development.

If I do manage to convert them on my own, would a PR be welcome to add them to the repo?

5050frames commented 3 years ago

That would be awesome! I'm all for using whatever tools you prefer. I don't have any experience with FreeCAD, but if you have any luck converting the STEP files over please open a PR or just let me know and I'll update the kit. Thanks for the interest.

Flowwie commented 2 years ago

I will be happy to help with this issue, I'm running a FreeCAD consulting business, so everybody interested here to bring the 5050 core frame system feel free to contact me