50ButtonsEach / fliclib-ios

The fliclib framework for iOS
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Add slices for x86 & i386 (iOS Simulator) #9

Closed Piets closed 3 years ago

Piets commented 8 years ago

Please add slices for the iOS Simulator to the framework. As of now it is not possible to even build a project for the simulator as it fails during linking. I completely understand that functionality would be limited on the simulator, but even if the framework would do nothing it would be a great improvement over the current situation.

For information on how to achieve such a universal framework (with slices for the various iOS and Simulator architectures check out this article, this post on the developer forums and last but not least this script

jokarls commented 8 years ago


AntonMeier commented 8 years ago

Yes of course we will add that. We have a lot of people requesting it, including ourselves for internal projects! It will come in a future release. It is not 100% straight forward though since Apple have as of relatively late removed support for Bluetooth LE in the simulator environment. So we have to add pre-processor macros and stuff to solve it. Not a big deal, but still work that has to be done :P Thanks for reporting it! Let us know if you have any other requests.

galileomd commented 8 years ago


also a continued request for third party SDK so that we're not dependent on the flic app to add BT buttons

AntonMeier commented 8 years ago

The problem though, as I remember it from when I looked at this before, is that you can not submit to App Store when using a framework that has slices for both iOS and simulator. This would mean that the developer would have to manually remove the simulator slices again before submitting, which seems a bit annoying.

You don't happen to know anything about this?

Piets commented 8 years ago

Okay, this indeed seems like a real problem. According to this article this problem still exists in modern Xcode versions. So the solution might be to provide a fat framework (for the device and the simulator) and then provide a guide for developers to install those Run Script phases to strip the Simulator slices on a device release build. I know that this has the drawback of complicating the setup process. One alternative I could think of would probably be to provide a static library? The last time I checked on that fat frameworks weren't a problem for AppStore submission.

mgkennard commented 8 years ago

I've worked around this by adding the following to my abstraction of how I interact with the Flic:


@implementation SCLFlicManager

- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id <SCLFlicManagerDelegate> _Nonnull)delegate
                           appID:(NSString *_Nonnull)appID
                       appSecret:(NSString *_Nonnull)appSecret
    self = [super init];

    return self;

- (NSDictionary<NSUUID *, SCLFlicButton *> *_Nonnull)knownButtons
    return @{};

- (void)forgetButton:(SCLFlicButton *_Nonnull)button


- (void)disable


- (void)enable


- (void)requestButtonFromFlicAppWithCallback:(NSString *_Nonnull)callback
    [[SSFlicButtonManager sharedInstance] handleOpenURL:nil];

- (SCLFlicButton *_Nullable)generateButtonFromURL:(NSURL *_Nonnull)url
                                            error:(NSError *_Nullable *_Nullable)error
    SCLFlicButton *button = [[SCLFlicButton alloc] init];
    return button;

- (void)refreshPendingConnections



@interface SCLFlicButton ()

@property (assign, getter=isFakeConnected) BOOL fakeConnected;


@implementation SCLFlicButton

- (NSUUID *)buttonIdentifier
    return [NSUUID UUID];

- (void)connect
    self.fakeConnected = YES;

- (void)disconnect
    self.fakeConnected = NO;

- (void)indicateLED:(SCLFlicButtonLEDIndicateCount)count


- (void)setMode:(SCLFlicButtonMode)mode


- (void)readRSSI


- (SCLFlicButtonConnectionState)connectionState
    if (self.fakeConnected) {
        return SCLFlicButtonConnectionStateConnected;
    } else {
        return SCLFlicButtonConnectionStateDisconnected;


tomasmcguinness commented 7 years ago

Any further work on this issue?