50DKP / FF2-Official

Freak Fortress 2 is a one versus all mod for Team Fortress 2. It is the successor to the Vs. Saxton Hale plugin.
GNU General Public License v3.0
54 stars 27 forks source link

Timer_DisplayCharsetVote #501

Closed MrKatrioPL closed 5 years ago

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago

Hi, i have a problem with FF2 plugin. Plugin in "sm plugins list" is active, but on server this plugin isn't active. Error:

L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "select_charset" not found (arg 4)
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM] Blaming: freak_fortress_2.smx
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM]   [0] SetMenuTitle
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM]   [1] Line 8198, freak_fortress_2.sp::Timer_DisplayCharsetVote
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM] Exception reported: Language phrase "select_charset" not found (arg 4)
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM] Blaming: freak_fortress_2.smx
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM]   [0] SetMenuTitle
L 08/07/2019 - 19:33:12: [SM]   [1] Line 8198, freak_fortress_2.sp::Timer_DisplayCharsetVote
Batfoxkid commented 5 years ago

Do you have the translation file?

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago

Thank you for fast answer. I had the content of this file other than what you specified. After changing to yours it still doesn't work. The error has probably disappeared but I still cannot use the /ff2 command.

naydef commented 5 years ago

Did you restart the server? And "probably" is not "definitely" so check your error logs.

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago

5 times. The last error related FF2 was the same as I said earlier. Of course before changing the translations file.

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago

Okay, i found error with translation file. i fixed it and i got next error:

L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] ===Freak Fortress 2 Initializing-v2.0.0-alpha===
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: Failed to auto generate config for freak_fortress_2.smx, make sure the directory has write permission.
[SM] Loaded plugin freak_fortress_2.smx successfully.
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer:  got } in key in file addons/sourcemod/data/freak_fortress_2/changelog.txt
Changelog, 1.06e (24 Aug 2012),
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character seeman needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character seeldier needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character demopan needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character ninjaspy needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character gentlespy needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character saxtonhale needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character vagineer_hale needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character hhh_hale needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character brutal_sniper_hale needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 12:23:56: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character easterbunny needs plugin default abilities!

Any idea ? edit: Directory "configs" and "plugins" have permission 777

MAGNAT2645 commented 5 years ago

About auto generate error, you must give write permission to tf/cfg/sourcemod directory. About KeyValues error, you should post your changelog.txt

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago


    "1.10.8 (November 24, 2015)"
        "1" "Fixed the Powerjack and Kunai killing the boss in one hit (naydef)"
    "1.10.7 (November 19, 2015)"
        "1" "Fixed companions always having default rage damage and lives, even if specified otherwise (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "2" "Fixed bosses instantly losing if a boss disconnected while there were still other bosses alive (Shadow from Spyper)"
        "3" "Fixed minions receiving benefits intended only for normal players (Wliu)"
        "4" "Removed Shortstop reload penalty (Starblaster64)"
        "5" "Whitelisted the Shooting Star (Wliu)"
        "6" "Fixed large amounts of lives being cut off when being displayed (Wliu)"
        "7" "More living spectator fixes (naydef, Shadow)"
        "8" "Fixed health bar not updating when goomba-ing the boss (Wliu from Akuba)"
        "9" "[Server] Added arg12 to rage_cloneattack to determine whether or not clones die after their boss dies (Wliu"
        "10" "[Server] Fixed 'UTIL_SetModel not precached' crashes when using 'model_projectile_replace' (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "11" "[Server] 'ff2_crits' now defaults to 0 instead of 1 (Wliu from Spyper)"
        "12" "[Server] Fixed divide by 0 errors (Wliu)"
        "13" "[Dev] Fixed FF2_OnAlivePlayersChanged not returning the number of minions (Wliu)"
        "14" "[Dev] Fixed PDAs and sappers not being usable when given to bosses (Shadow)"
    "1.10.6 (August 10, 2015)"
        "1" "Updated the default health formula to match VSH's (Wliu)"
        "2" "Updated for compatability with the Gunmettle update (Wliu, Shadow, Starblaster64, Chdata, sarysa, and others)"
        "3" "Fixed boss weapon animations sometimes not working (Chdata)"
        "4" "Disconnecting bosses now get replaced by the person with the second-highest queue points (Shadow)"
        "5" "Fixed bosses rarely becoming 'living spectators' during the first round (Shadow/Wliu)"
        "6" "Fixed large amounts of damage insta-killing multi-life bosses (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "7" "Fixed death effects triggering when FF2 wasn't active (Shadow)"
        "8" "Fixed 'sound_fail' playing even when the boss won (Shadow)"
        "9" "Fixed charset voting again (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "10" "Fixed bravejump sounds not playing (Wliu from Maximilian_)"
        "11" "Fixed end-of-round text occasionally showing random symbols and file paths (Wliu)"
        "12" "Updated Russian translations (Maximilian_)"
        "13" "[Server] Fixed 'UTIL_SetModel not precached' crashes-see #18 for the underlying fix (Shadow/Wliu)"
        "14" "[Server] Fixed Array Index Out of Bounds errors when there are more than 32 chances (Wliu from Maximilian_)"
        "15" "[Server] Fixed invalid client errors in easter_abilities.sp (Wliu)"
        "16" "[Server] Missing boss files are now logged (Shadow)"
        "17" "[Dev] Added FF2_StartMusic that was missing from the include file (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "18" "[Dev] FF2_GetBossIndex now makes sure the client index passed is valid (Wliu)"
        "19" "[Dev] Rewrote the health formula parser and fixed a few bugs along the way (WildCard65/Wliu)"
        "20" "[Dev] Prioritized exact matches in OnSpecialSelected and added a 'preset' bool (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "21" "[Dev] Removed deprecated FCVAR_PLUGIN cvar flags (Wliu)"
    "1.10.5 (March 13, 2015)"
        "1" "Fixed slow-mo being extremely buggy (Wliu from various)"
        "2" "Fixed the Festive SMG not getting crits (Wliu from Dalix)"
        "3" "Fixed teleport sounds not being played (Wliu from Dalix)"
        "4" "!ff2_stop_music can now target specific clients (Wliu)"
        "5" "[Server] Fixed multiple sounds not working after TF2 changed the default sound extension type (Wliu)"
        "6" "[Dev] Fixed rage damage not resetting after using FF2_SetBossRageDamage (Wliu from WildCard65)"
    "1.10.4 (March 1, 2015)"
        "1" "Fixed players getting overheal after winning as a boss (Wliu/FlaminSarge)"
        "2" "Rebalanced the Baby Face's Blaster (Shadow)"
        "3" "Fixed the Baby Face's Blaster being unusable when FF2 was disabled (Wliu from Curtgust)"
        "4" "Fixed the Darwin's Danger Shield getting replaced by the SMG (Wliu)"
        "5" "Added the Tide Turner and new festive weapons to the weapon whitelist (Wliu)"
        "6" "Fixed Market Gardener backstabs (Wliu)"
        "7" "Improved class switching after you finish the round as a boss (Wliu)"
        "8" "Fixed the !ff2 command again (Wliu)"
        "9" "Fixed bosses not ducking when teleporting (CapnDev)"
        "10" "Prevented dead companion bosses from becoming clones (Wliu)"
        "11" "[Server] Fixed 'ff2_alive' never being shown (Wliu from various)"
        "12" "[Server] Fixed invalid healthbar errors (Wliu from ClassicGuzzi)"
        "13" "[Server] Fixed OnTakeDamage errors from spell Monoculuses (Wliu from ClassicGuzzi)"
        "14" "[Server] Added 'ff2_arena_rounds' and deprecated 'ff2_first_round' (Wliu from Spyper)"
        "15" "[Server] Added 'ff2_base_jumper_stun' to disable the parachute on stun (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "16" "[Server] Prevented FF2 from loading if it gets loaded in the /plugins/freak_fortress_2/ directory (Wliu)"
        "17" "[Dev] Fixed 'sound_fail' (Wliu from M76030)"
        "18" "[Dev] Allowed companions to emit 'sound_nextlife' if they have it (Wliu from M76030)"
        "19" "[Dev] Added 'sound_last_life' (Wliu from WildCard65)"
        "20" "[Dev] Added FF2_OnAlivePlayersChanged and deprecated FF2_Get{Alive|Boss}Players (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "21" "[Dev] Fixed AIOOB errors in FF2_GetBossUserId (Wliu)"
        "22" "[Dev] Improved FF2_OnSpecialSelected so that only part of a boss name is needed (Wliu)"
        "23" "[Dev] Added FF2_{Get|Set}BossRageDamage (Wliu from WildCard65)"
    "1.10.3 (November 6, 2014)"
        "1" "Fixed bosses appearing to be overhealed (War3Evo/Wliu)"
        "2" "Rebalanced many weapons based on misc. feedback (Wliu/various)"
        "3" "Fixed not being able to use strange syringe guns or mediguns (Chris from Spyper)"
        "4" "Fixed the Bread Bite being replaced by the GRU (Wliu from Spyper)"
        "5" "Fixed Mantreads not giving extra rocket jump height (Chdata"
        "6" "Prevented bosses from picking up ammo/health by default (friagram)"
        "7" "Fixed a bug with respawning bosses (Wliu from Spyper)"
        "8" "Fixed an issue with displaying boss health in chat (Wliu)"
        "9" "Fixed an edge case where player crits would not be applied (Wliu from Spyper)"
        "10" "Fixed not being able to suicide as boss after round end (Wliu)"
        "11" "Updated Russian translations (wasder) and added German translations (CooliMC)"
        "12" "Fixed Dead Ringer deaths being too obvious (Wliu from AliceTaylor12)"
        "13" "Fixed many bosses not voicing their catch phrases (Wliu)"
        "14" "Updated Gentlespy, Easter Bunny, Demopan, and CBS (Wliu, configs need to be updated)"
        "15" "[Server] Added new cvar 'ff2_countdown_result' (Wliu from Shadow)"
        "16" "[Server] Added new cvar 'ff2_caber_detonations' (Wliu)"
        "17" "[Server] Fixed a bug related to 'cvar_countdown_players' and the countdown timer (Wliu from Spyper)"
        "18" "[Server] Fixed 'nextmap_charset' VFormat errors (Wliu from BBG_Theory)"
        "19" "[Server] Fixed errors when Monoculus was attacking (Wliu from ClassicGuzzi)"
        "20" "[Dev] Added 'sound_first_blood' (Wliu from Mr-Bro)"
        "21" "[Dev] Added 'pickups' to set what the boss can pick up (Wliu)"
        "22" "[Dev] Added FF2FLAG_ALLOW_{HEALTH|AMMO}_PICKUPS (Powerlord)"
        "23" "[Dev] Added FF2_GetFF2Version (Wliu)"
        "24" "[Dev] Added FF2_ShowSync{Hud}Text wrappers (Wliu)"
        "25" "[Dev] Added FF2_SetAmmo and fixed setting clip (Wliu/friagram for fixing clip)"
        "26" "[Dev] Fixed weapons not being hidden when asked to (friagram)"
        "27" "[Dev] Fixed not being able to set constant health values for bosses (Wliu from braak0405)"
    "1.10.2 (August 28, 2014)"
        "1" "Fixed a critical bug that rendered most bosses as errors without sound (Wliu; thanks to slavko17 for reporting)"
        "2" "Reverted escape sequences change, which is what caused this bug"
    "1.10.1 (August 28, 2014)"
        "1" "Fixed a rare bug where rage could go over 100% (Wliu)"
        "2" "Updated to use Sourcemod 1.6.1 (Powerlord)"
        "3" "Fixed goomba stomp ignoring demoshields (Wliu)"
        "4" "Disabled boss from spectating (Wliu)"
        "5" "Fixed some possible overlapping HUD text (Wliu)"
        "6" "Fixed ff2_charset displaying incorrect colors (Wliu)"
        "7" "Boss info text now also displays in the chat area (Wliu)"
        "8" "--Partially synced with VSH 1.49 (all VSH changes listed courtesy of Chdata)--"
        "9" "VSH: Do not show HUD text if the scoreboard is open"
        "10" "VSH: Added market gardener 'backstab'"
        "11" "VSH: Removed Darwin's Danger Shield from the blacklist (Chdata) and gave it a +50 health bonus (Wliu)"
        "12" "VSH: Rebalanced Phlogistinator"
        "13" "VSH: Improved backstab code"
        "14" "VSH: Added ff2_shield_crits cvar to control whether or not demomen get crits when using shields"
        "15" "VSH: Reserve Shooter now deals crits to bosses in mid-air"
        "16" "[Server] Fixed conditions still being added when FF2 was disabled (Wliu)"
        "17" "[Server] Fixed a rare healthbar error (Wliu)"
        "18" "[Server] Added convar ff2_boss_suicide to control whether or not the boss can suicide after the round starts (Wliu)"
        "19" "[Server] Changed ff2_boss_teleporter's default value to 0 (Wliu)"
        "20" "[Server] Updated translations (Wliu)"
        "21" "[Dev] Added FF2_GetAlivePlayers and FF2_GetBossPlayers (Wliu/AliceTaylor)"
        "22" "[Dev] Fixed a bug in the main include file (Wliu)"
        "23" "[Dev] Enabled escape sequences in configs (Wliu)"
    "1.10.0 (July 26, 2014)"
        "1" "Rage is now activated by calling for medic (Wliu)"
        "2" "Balanced Goomba Stomp and RTD (WildCard65)"
        "3" "Fixed BGM not stopping if the boss suicides at the beginning of the round (Wliu)"
        "4" "Fixed Jarate, etc. not disappearing immediately on the boss (Wliu)"
        "5" "Fixed ability timers not resetting when the round was over (Wliu)"
        "6" "Fixed bosses losing momentum when raging in the air (Wliu)"
        "7" "Fixed bosses losing health if their companion left at round start (Wliu)"
        "8" "Fixed bosses sometimes teleporting to each other if they had a companion (Wliu)"
        "9" "Optimized the health calculation system (WildCard65)"
        "10" "Slightly tweaked default boss health formula to be more balanced (Eggman)"
        "11" "Fixed and optimized the leaderboard (Wliu)"
        "12" "Fixed medic minions receiving the medigun (Wliu)"
        "13" "Fixed Ninja Spy slow-mo bugs (Wliu/Powerlord)"
        "14" "Prevented players from changing to the incorrect team or class (Powerlord/Wliu)"
        "15" "Fixed bosses immediately dying after using the dead ringer (Wliu)"
        "16" "Fixed a rare bug where you could get notified about being the next boss multiple times (Wliu)"
        "17" "Fixed gravity not resetting correctly after a weighdown if using non-standard gravity (Wliu)"
        "18" "[Server] FF2 now properly disables itself when required (Wliu/Powerlord)"
        "19" "[Server] Added ammo, clip, and health arguments to rage_cloneattack (Wliu)"
        "20" "[Server] Changed how BossCrits works...again (Wliu)"
        "21" "[Server] Removed convar ff2_halloween (Wliu)"
        "22" "[Server] Moved convar ff2_oldjump to the main config file (Wliu)"
        "23" "[Server] Added convar ff2_countdown_players to control when the timer should appear (Wliu/BBG_Theory)"
        "24" "[Server] Added convar ff2_updater to control whether automatic updating should be turned on (Wliu)"
        "25" "[Server] Added convar ff2_goomba_jump to control how high players should rebound after goomba stomping the boss (WildCard65)"
        "26" "[Server] Fixed hale_point_enable/disable being registered twice (Wliu)"
        "27" "[Server] Fixed some convars not executing (Wliu)"
        "28" "[Server] Fixed the chances and charset systems (Wliu)"
        "29" "[Dev] Added more natives and one additional forward (Eggman)"
        "30" "[Dev] Added sound_full_rage which plays once the boss is able to rage (Wliu/Eggman)"
        "31" "[Dev] Fixed FF2FLAG_ISBUFFED (Wliu)"
        "32" "[Dev] FF2 now checks for sane values for \"lives\" and \"health_formula\" (Wliu)"
        "33" "Big thanks to GIANT_CRAB, WildCard65, and kniL for their devotion to this release!"
    "1.9.3 (April 5, 2014)"
        "1" "Fixed a bug in 1.9.2 where the changelog was off by one version (Wliu)"
        "2" "Fixed a bug in 1.9.2 where one dead player would not be cloned in rage_cloneattack (Wliu)"
        "3" "Fixed a bug in 1.9.2 where sentries would be permanently disabled after a rage (Wliu)"
        "4" "[Server] Removed ff2_halloween (Wliu)"
    "1.9.2 (March 22, 2014)"
        "1" "Fixed a bug in 1.9.1 that allowed the same player to be the boss over and over again (Wliu)"
        "2" "Fixed a bug where last player glow was being incorrectly removed on the boss (Wliu)"
        "3" "Fixed a bug where the boss would be assumed dead (Wliu)"
        "4" "Fixed having minions on the boss team interfering with certain rage calculations (Wliu)"
        "5" "Fixed a rare bug where the rage percentage could go above 100% (Wliu)"
        "6" "[Server] Fixed possible special_noanims errors (Wliu)"
        "7" "[Server] Added new arguments to rage_cloneattack-no updates necessary (friagram/Wliu)"
        "8" "[Server] Certain cvars that SMAC detects are now automatically disabled while FF2 is running (Wliu)"
        "9" "            Servers can now safely have smac_cvars enabled"
    "1.9.1 (March 18, 2014)"
        "1" "Fixed some minor leaderboard bugs and also improved the leaderboard text (Wliu)"
        "2" "Fixed a minor round end bug (Wliu)"
        "3" "[Server] Fixed improper unloading of subplugins (WildCard65)"
        "4" "[Server] Removed leftover console messages (Wliu)"
        "5" "[Server] Fixed sound not precached warnings (Wliu)"
    "1.9.0 (March 6, 2014)"
        "1" "Removed checkFirstHale (Wliu)"
        "2" "[Server] Fixed invalid healthbar entity bug (Wliu)"
        "3" "Changed default medic ubercharge percentage to 40% (Wliu)"
        "4" "Whitelisted festive variants of weapons (Wliu/BBG_Theory)"
        "5" "[Server] Added convars to control last player glow and timer health cutoff (Wliu"
        "6" "[Dev] Added new natives/stocks: Debug, FF2_SetClientGlow and FF2_GetClientGlow (Wliu)"
        "7" "Fixed a few minor !whatsnew bugs (BBG_Theory)"
        "8" "Fixed Easter Abilities (Wliu)"
        "9" "Minor grammar/spelling improvements (Wliu)"
        "10" "[Server] Minor subplugin load/unload fixes (Wliu)"
    "1.0.8 (October 30, 2013)"
        "1" "Wliu, Chris, Lawd, and Carge of 50DKP have taken over FF2 development"
        "2" "Prevented spy bosses from changing disguises (Powerlord)"
        "3" "Added Saxton Hale stab sounds (Powerlord/AeroAcrobat)"
        "4" "Made sure that the boss doesn't have any invalid weapons/items (Powerlord)"
        "5" "Tried fixing the visible weapon bug (Powerlord)"
        "6" "Whitelisted some more action slot items (Powerlord)"
        "7" "Festive Huntsman has the same attributes as the Huntsman now (Powerlord)"
        "8" "Medigun now overheals 50% more (Powerlord)"
        "9" "Made medigun transparent if the medic's melee was the Gunslinger (Powerlord)"
        "10" "Slight tweaks to the view hp commands (Powerlord)"
        "11" "Whitelisted the Silver/Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II (Powerlord)"
        "12" "Slight tweaks to boss health calculation (Powerlord)"
        "13" "Made sure that spies couldn't quick-backstab the boss (Powerlord)"
        "14" "Made sure the stab animations were correct (Powerlord)"
        "15" "Made sure that healthpacks spawned from the Candy Cane are not respawned once someone uses them (Powerlord)"
        "16" "Healthpacks from the Candy Cane are no longer despawned (Powerlord)"
        "17" "Slight tweaks to removing laughs (Powerlord)"
        "18" "[Dev] Added a clip argument to special_noanims.sp (Powerlord)"
        "19" "[Dev] sound_bgm is now precached automagically (Powerlord)"
        "20" "Seeldier's minions can no longer cap (Wliu)"
        "21" "Fixed sometimes getting stuck when teleporting to a ducking player (Powerlord)"
        "22" "Multiple English translation improvements (Wliu/Powerlord)"
        "23" "Fixed Ninja Spy and other bosses that use the matrix ability getting stuck in walls/ceilings (Chris)"
        "24" "[Dev] Updated item attributes code per the TF2Items update (Powerlord)"
        "25" "Fixed duplicate sound downloads for Saxton Hale (Wliu)"
        "26" "[Server] FF2 now require morecolors, not colors (Powerlord)"
        "27" "[Server] Added a Halloween mode which will enable characters_halloween.cfg (Wliu)"
        "28" "Hopefully fixed multiple round-related issues (Wliu)"
        "29" "[Dev] Started to clean up/format the code (Wliu)"
        "30" "Changed versioning format to x.y.z and month day, year (Wliu)"
        "31" "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!"
    "1.07 (14 Dec 2012)"
        "1" "[Players] Holiday Punch is now replaced by Fists"
        "2" "[Players] Bosses will have any disguises removed on round start"
        "3" "[Players] Bosses can no longer see all players health, as it wasn't working any more"
        "4" "[Server] ff2_addpoints no longer targets SourceTV or replay"
    "1.07 beta 6 (9 Nov 2012)"
        "1" "[Dev] Fixed issue with sound hook not stopping sound when sound_block_vo was in use"
        "2" "[Dev] If ff2_charset was used, don't run the character set vote"
        "3" "[Dev] If a vote is already running, Character set vote will retry every 5 seconds or until map changes "
    "1.07 beta 5 (18 Oct 2012)"
        "1" "[Dev] Fixed issue with character sets not working."
        "2" "[Dev] Improved IsValidClient replay check"
        "3" "[Dev] IsValidClient is now called when loading companion bosses"
        "4" "   This should prevent GetEntProp issues with m_iClass"
    "1.07 beta 4 (11 Oct 2012)"
        "1" "[Players] Dead Ringers have no cloak defense buff. Normal cloaks do."
        "2" "[Players] Fixed Sniper Rifle reskin behavior"
        "3" "[Players] Boss has small amount of stun resistance after rage"
        "4" "[Players] Various bugfixes and changes 1.7.0 beta 1"
    "1.07 beta (8 Oct 2012)"
        "1" "[Dev] Prevent boss rage from being activated if the boss is already taunting or is dead."
        "2" "[Dev] Cache the result of the newer backstab detection"
        "3" "[Dev] Reworked Medic damage code slightly"
        "4" "[Server] The Boss queue now accepts negative points."
        "5" "[Server] Bosses can be forced to a specific team using the new ff2_force_team cvar."
        "6" "[Server] Eureka Effect can now be enabled using the new ff2_enable_eureka cvar"
        "7" "[Server] Bosses models and sounds are now precached the first time they are loaded."
        "8" "[Dev] Fixed an issue where FF2 was trying to read cvars before config files were executed."
        "9" "    This change should also make the game a little more multi-mod friendly."
        "10" "[Dev] Fixed OnLoadCharacterSet not being fired. This should fix the deadrun plugin."
        "11" "[Players] Heatmaker gains Focus on hit (varies by charge)"
        "12" "[Players] Crusader's Crossbow damage has been adjusted to compensate for its speed increase."
        "13" "[Players] Cozy Camper now gives you an SMG as well, but it has no crits and reduced damage."
        "14" "[Players] Bosses get short defense buff after rage"
        "15" "[Server] Now attempts to integrate tf2items config"
        "16" "[Server] Changing the game description now requires Steam Tools"
        "17" "[Players] Removed crits from sniper rifles, now do 2.9x damage"
        "18" "   Sydney Sleeper does 2.4x damage, 2.9x if boss's rage is >90pct"
        "19" "   Minicrit- less damage, more knockback"
        "20" "[Players] Baby Face's Blaster will fill boost normally, but will hit 100 and drain+minicrits."
        "21" "[Players] Phlogistinator Pyros are invincible while activating the crit-boost taunt."
        "22" "[Players] Can't Eureka+destroy dispenser to insta-teleport"
        "23" "[Players] Reworked the crit code a bit. Should be more reliable."
        "24" "[Players] Help panel should stop repeatedly popping up on round start."
        "25" "[Players] Backstab disguising should be smoother/less obvious"
        "26" "[Players] Scaled sniper rifle glow time a bit better"
        "27" "[Players] Fixed Dead Ringer spy death icon"
    "1.06h (6 Sep 2012)"
        "1" "[Players] Remove MvM powerup_bottle on Bosses. (RavensBro)"
    "1.06g (5 Sep 2012)"
        "1" "[Players] Fixed vote for charset. (RavensBro)"
    "1.06f (5 Sep 2012)"
        "1" "[Players] Changelog now divided into [Players] and [Dev] sections. (Otokiru)"
        "2" "[Players] Don't bother reading [Dev] changelogs because you'll have no idea what it's stated. (Otokiru)"
        "3" "[Players] Fixed civilian glitch. (Otokiru)"
        "4" "[Players] Fixed hale HP bar. (Valve) lol?"
        "5" "[Dev] Fixed \"GetEntProp\" reported: Entity XXX (XXX) is invalid on checkFirstHale(). (Otokiru)"
    "1.06e (24 Aug 2012)"
        "1" "[Players] Remove MvM water-bottle on hales. (Otokiru)"
        "2" "[Dev] Fixed \"GetEntProp\" reported: Property \"m_iClass\" not found (entity 0/worldspawn) error on checkFirstHale(). (Otokiru)"
        "3" "[Dev] Change how FF2 check for player weapons. Now also checks when spawned in the middle of the round. (Otokiru)"
        "4" "[Dev] Changed some FF2 warning messages color such as \"First-Hale Checker\" and \"Change class exploit\". (Otokiru)"
    "1.06d (3 July 2012)"
        "1" "Fix first boss having missing health or abilities. (Otokiru)"
        "2" "Health bar now goes away if the boss wins the round. (Powerlord)"
        "3" "Health bar cedes control to Monoculus if he is summoned. (Powerlord)"
        "4" "Health bar instantly updates if enabled or disabled via cvar mid-game. (Powerlord)"
    "1.06c (23 June 2012)"
        "1" "Remove weapons if a player tries to switch classes when they become boss to prevent an exploit. (Otokiru)"
        "2" "Reset hale's queue points to prevent the 'retry' exploit. (Otokiru)"
        "3" "Better detection of backstabs. (Powerlord)"
        "4" "Boss now has optional life meter on screen. (Powerlord)"
    "1.06 (1 May 2012)"
        "1" "Fixed attributes key for weaponN block. Now 1 space needed for explode string."
        "2" "Disabled vote for charset when there is only 1 not hidden chatset."
        "3" "Fixed \"Invalid key value handle 0 (error 4)\" when when round starts."
        "4" "Fixed ammo for special_noanims.ff2\\rage_new_weapon ability."
        "5" "Coming soon: weapon balance will be moved into config file."
    "1.05 (29 April 2012)"
        "1" "Added \"hidden\" key for charsets."
        "2" "Added \"sound_stabbed\" key for characters."
        "3" "Mantread stomp deals 5x damage to Boss."
        "4" "Minicrits will not play loud sound to all players"
        "5" "For mappers: Add info_target with name 'hale_no_music'"
        "6" "    to prevent Boss' music."
        "7" "FF2 renames *.smx from plugins/freaks/ to *.ff2 by itself."
        "8" "Third Degree hit adds uber to healers."
        "9" "Fixed hard \"ghost_appearation\" in default_abilities.ff2."
        "10" "FF2FLAG_HUDDISABLED flag blocks EVERYTHING of FF2's HUD."
        "11" "Changed FF2_PreAbility native to fix bug about broken Boss' abilities."
    "1.04 (21 April 2012)"
        "1" "Seeldier's minions have protection (teleport) from pits for first 4 seconds after spawn."
        "2" "Seeldier's minions correctly dies when owner-Seeldier dies."
        "3" "Added multiplier for brave jump ability in char.configs (arg3, default is 1.0)."
        "4" "Added config key sound_fail. It calls when Boss fails, but still alive"
        "5" "Fixed potential exploits associated with feign death."
        "6" "Added ff2_reload_subplugins command to reload FF2's subplugins."
    "1.03 (19 April 2012)"
        "1" "Finally fixed exploit about queue points."
        "2" "Fixed non-regular bug with 'UTIL_SetModel: not precached'."
        "3" "Fixed potential bug about reducing of Boss' health by healing."
        "4" "Fixed Boss' stun when round begins."
    "1.02 (17 April 2012)"
        "1" "Added isNumOfSpecial parameter into FF2_GetSpecialKV and FF2_GetBossSpecial natives"
        "2" "Added FF2_PreAbility forward. Plz use it to prevent FF2_OnAbility only."
        "3" "Added FF2_DoAbility native."
        "4" "Fixed exploit about queue points...ow wait, it done in 1.01"
        "5" "ff2_1st_set_abilities.ff2 sets kac_enabled to 0."
        "6" "FF2FLAG_HUDDISABLED flag disables Boss' HUD too."
        "7" "Added FF2_GetQueuePoints and FF2_SetQueuePoints natives."
    "1.01 (14 April 2012)"
        "1" "Fixed \"classmix\" bug associated with Boss' class restoring."
        "2" "Fixed other little bugs."
        "3" "Fixed bug about instant kill of Seeldier's minions."
        "4" "Now you can use name of Boss' file for \"companion\" Boss' keyvalue."
        "5" "Fixed exploit when dead Boss can been respawned after his reconnect."
        "6" "I've missed 2nd item."
        "7" "Fixed \"Random\" charpack, there is no vote if only one charpack."
        "8" "Fixed bug when boss' music have a chance to DON'T play."
        "9" "Fixed bug associated with ff2_enabled in cfg/sourcemod/freak_fortress_2.cfg and disabling of pugin."
    "1.0 (6 April 2012)"
        "1" "Boss' health devided by 3,6 in medieval mode"
        "2" "Restoring player's default class, after his round as Boss"
        "3" "===UPDATES OF VS SAXTON HALE MODE==="
        "4" "Added !ff2_resetqueuepoints command (also there is admin version)"
        "5" "Medic is credited 100% of damage done during ubercharge"
        "6" "If map changes mid-round, queue points not lost"
        "7" "Dead Ringer will not be able to activate for 2s after backstab"
        "8" "Added ff2_spec_force_boss cvar"

i have still error with auto generate. tf/cfg/sourcemod have 777 permision ...

MAGNAT2645 commented 5 years ago

Oh, you must create freak_fortress_2 folder inside tf/cfg/sourcemod. And about changelog.txt


    "1.06e (24 Aug 2012)"
        "1" "[Players] Remove MvM water-bottle on hales. (Otokiru)"
        "2" "[Dev] Fixed \"GetEntProp\" reported: Property \"m_iClass\" not found (entity 0/worldspawn) error on checkFirstHale(). (Otokiru)"
        "3" "[Dev] Change how FF2 check for player weapons. Now also checks when spawned in the middle of the round. (Otokiru)"
        "4" "[Dev] Changed some FF2 warning messages color such as \"First-Hale Checker\" and \"Change class exploit\". (Otokiru)"

with this:

    "1.06e (24 Aug 2012)"
        "1" "[Players] Remove MvM water-bottle on hales. (Otokiru)"
        "2" "[Dev] Fixed 'GetEntProp' reported: Property 'm_iClass' not found (entity 0/worldspawn) error on checkFirstHale(). (Otokiru)"
        "3" "[Dev] Change how FF2 check for player weapons. Now also checks when spawned in the middle of the round. (Otokiru)"
        "4" "[Dev] Changed some FF2 warning messages color such as 'First-Hale Checker' and 'Change class exploit'. (Otokiru)"

KeyValues doesn't support escaped double quote (this thing: \") correctly, but as i know SMCParser does. So would be good to replace KeyValues with SMCParser for changelog.txt (i mean, code changes).

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago

Okay thank you, changelog,txt and plugin work. I have next error. Boss abilities doesn't work and plugin spammed me in chat [FF2] Type /ff2 in chat to open the menu x5 ... Question: How to allow select boss with panel ? From what I can see, the !ff2boss command doesn't exist.

Here is an error about these abilities:

L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character seeman needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character seeldier needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character demopan needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character ninjaspy needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character gentlespy needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character saxtonhale needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character vagineer_hale needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character hhh_hale needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character brutal_sniper_hale needs plugin default abilities!
L 08/09/2019 - 18:29:48: [freak_fortress_2.smx] [FF2 Bosses] Character easterbunny needs plugin default abilities!
naydef commented 5 years ago

For !ff2boss - https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=273191 And looks like you're missing the subplugins. Install them

naydef commented 5 years ago

And you're trying to load FF2 2.0.0 for some reason. Just sayin'

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago

For !ff2boss - https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=273191

Error: [SM] Unable to load plugin "ff2_boss_prefs.smx": Native "FF2_GetSpecialKV" was not found EDIT: Error with abilities fixed.

naydef commented 5 years ago

I told you you're trying to run FF2 2.0.0, you need regular FF2 v1

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago

What does the Regular version start with?

naydef commented 5 years ago

Here's current stable(but outdated, but works): https://github.com/50DKP/FF2-Official/releases/tag/1.10.14

MrKatrioPL commented 5 years ago

Okay plugin work. No more errors ! Thank you all for fast answers !

/ close