51bitquant / binance_grid_trader

Binance_grid_trader is a grid strategy bot trading with Binance Spot and Binance Futures Exchange. you can use it to trade any pair in Binance Exchange. Binance_grid_trader是一个币安网格策略软件, 目前支持币安现货,USDT合约和币币合约。
MIT License
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Illegal characters found in parameter 'price' #16

Closed idsilent closed 2 years ago

idsilent commented 2 years ago

{'code': -1100, 'msg': "Illegal characters found in parameter 'price'; legal range is '^([0-9]{1,20})(\.[0-9]{1,20})?$'."} 400

51bitquant commented 2 years ago

You may experience the price like 0.0001, then it will show 10e-4, you need to use the round method or round_to method to make it show normal not in a scientific way.

51bitquant commented 2 years ago

{'code': -1100, 'msg': "Illegal characters found in parameter 'price'; legal range is '^([0-9]{1,20})(.[0-9]{1,20})?$'."} 400

hello, I did modify the code, you can download the newly codes, then run it again. pls check out the README.md file. If you do experience the error, pls feel free to issue me. Thanks any way.

51bitquant commented 2 years ago

This bug have fixed.