Failed to execute goal (default) on project 52n-wps-webapp: File 'D:\dev\GitHub4w\WPS\52n-wps-webapp\target\52n-wps-webapp-3.3.1-SNAPSHOT\config\wps_config_geotools.xml' does not exist
There is a wrong path specified in the profile with-geotools in the 52n-wps-webapp/pom.xml.
I get the following error:
Failed to execute goal (default) on project 52n-wps-webapp: File 'D:\dev\GitHub4w\WPS\52n-wps-webapp\target\52n-wps-webapp-3.3.1-SNAPSHOT\config\wps_config_geotools.xml' does not exist
There is a wrong path specified in the profile with-geotools in the 52n-wps-webapp/pom.xml.