52North / restful-timeseries-proxy

A template project to show how customizations work on Maven based Web apps by artifact assembling
GNU General Public License v2.0
5 stars 1 forks source link

Please link the associated documentation #4

Open johnjohndoe opened 9 years ago

johnjohndoe commented 9 years ago

I successfully set up an instance of SOS on my machine using PostgreSQL and Tomcat. Now I would like to add an REST interface to insert and retrieve data. As far as I understood this project does fulfil the job. I am not sure I identified the correct documentation:

The documentation points to 52North/SOS instead of 52North/restful-timeseries-proxy for the "Code Repository". Can you please comment whether the installation documentation is still valid? It should be linked in the README.md.

EHJ-52n commented 9 years ago

The documentation is correct, because the SOS RESTful extension != SWC REST API. The SOS RESTful extension is not actively developed now.

Ths proxy application uses the SWC REST API which is documented in our wiki https://wiki.52north.org/bin/view/SensorWeb/SensorWebClientRESTInterface.

Hope this helps.

@ridoo you should update the description and README.md of this project as they are booth quite misleading and incorrect.