52inc / Pulley

A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI.
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Memory Leak on iPhone 11 when changing orientation #387

Closed fabiomd closed 3 years ago

fabiomd commented 4 years ago

I got a issue in that seans to happen only in iPhone 11.

I have a sequence of screens stacked using a navigationController. Among the stacked screens I have a PulleyViewController type screen that implements the willTransitionTo method, inside the method i change the navigationBar visibility based on the app current orientation. However the i rotate the app from landscape to portrait and back to landscape , the app starts to increase the memory. Using the memory debugger, I saw that during access the PulleyViewController maskBackgroundDimmingView method is being triggered infinitely, adding infinite borderPath.

ulmentflam commented 3 years ago

@fabiomd I have not been able to replicate this memory leak on my iPhone 11, can you let me know if you are still experiencing it on the current release?