59de44955ebd / twitter-to-bsky

Crosspost from Twitter/X to Bluesky and Mastodon directly in the web browser
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Hashtag support for Blue Sky #5

Closed CodyMKW closed 4 weeks ago

CodyMKW commented 3 months ago

Blue Sky now has hashtags but when you type a hashtag on Twitter and cross post to Blue Sky using this script the hashtag isn't clickable

59de44955ebd commented 4 weeks ago

Latest version v0.13 now has minimal BSKY hashtag support. It uses regex /#\w+/g to detect hashtags in tweets and convert them into "facets" arrays for BSKY, which should work ok as long as you only use english/western hashtags, but will definitely fail for non-western unicode hashtags. To support those as well, a much more complicated regex would be needed.