5CS024-Team1 / asset-tracker-web

Web app for NHS Asset Tracker project
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link

Aesthetic issue + search request #41

Closed plasticpyrex closed 4 years ago

plasticpyrex commented 4 years ago

Not sure if this has been mentioned or can be remedied but on the homepage there is a large amount of blank white space

Another addition that may be of use is the ability to search the assets or by their type, category or location. If this has been requested or is unfeasible please disregard it.

JoshLmao commented 4 years ago

These are good suggestions. The home page does need more on there and I like the ability to search by type and category. Working on those now

JoshLmao commented 4 years ago

These are now done. Revamped the home page and added searching by category in search. Thanks Jamie