5CS024-Team1 / asset-tracker-web

Web app for NHS Asset Tracker project
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link

Connection? #5

Open Philwlv opened 4 years ago

Philwlv commented 4 years ago

https://github.com/5CS024-Team1/asset-tracker-web/blob/53b5078c487b3076a96e9ac574b3d85dd631525a/api/assets/all/index.php#L11 Please correct me! I'm am not 100% of the connections of how the Web app linksand pulls data from the DB. However, does it allow only one super user access or multiple user access? I'm just wondering after reviewing the code to connect to the DB with user name and password. Please enlighten me :D

JoshLmao commented 4 years ago

At the moment for sprint one, we're just going off one set of credentials but once we have a user system, we can change it to use their credentials