5G-ERA / middleware

Middleware for orchestration and lifecycle management of the could-native robotic applications
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ROS2 Relay configuration changes #255

Closed Artonus closed 8 months ago

Artonus commented 8 months ago

From the conversation with Michal, there are required changes in the ROS2 relay configuration that we need to support:

  1. Change default ROS2 Relay image to but5gera/ros2_relay_server:0.2.0
  2. The following environment variables must be specified:

TOPICS_TO_CLIENT - Topics that are subscribed by the relay to be sent to the relay client format:

"name": "/robot/top_laser/point_cloud", 
"type": "sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2", 
"compression": "none", 
"qos": {"preset": "string", "history": "string", "depth": "int", "reliability": "string", "durability": "string", "deadline": "string", "lifespan": "string", "liveliness": "string", "lease": "string"}

compression above is optional; the default value is "none"

TOPICS_FROM_CLIENT - Topics that are received from the relay client Format is the same as TOPICS_TO_CLIENT

SERVICES_FROM_CLIENT - Services that are called from the relay client format:

[{"name": "/test_srvs", "type": "std_srvs/SetBool"}]

it is the same as with the topic, but there is no compression option with services

TRANSFORMS_TO_CLIENT - TFs that are received from the relay client format:

[ { "source_frame": "source", "target_frame": "target", "angular_thres": 0.1, "trans_thres": 0.001, "max_publish_period": 0.01 } ]

ACTIONS_FROM_CLIENT - List of actions to be subscribed by the relay

[ { "name": "/turtle1/rotate_absolute", "type": "turtlesim/action/RotateAbsolute" } ]