5GSEC / 5G-Spector

An O-RAN compliant runtime intrusion detection system (xApp) for layer-3 (L3) celluar attack detection
Apache License 2.0
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Error while deploying the core network #3

Closed m-wojnar closed 2 weeks ago

m-wojnar commented 1 month ago

Dear 5G-Spector developers,

I have a problem while deploying the core network. I followed the installation instructions on the "5G‐Spector Artifact in a Simulated LTE Network" wiki page and was able to successfully download the VM, install the dependencies, and import and run the VM. However, when I run the make omen command, I get an error:

error: timed out waiting for the condition on pods/upf-0
mk/epc.mk:11: recipe for target '/home/vagrant/sdran-in-a-box//workspace/milestones/omec' failed
make: *** [/home/vagrant/sdran-in-a-box//workspace/milestones/omec] Error 1

Running the command kubectl get pods -n riab gives the result:

NAME          READY   STATUS             RESTARTS       AGE
cassandra-0   1/1     Running            0              7m37s
hss-0         1/1     Running            0              7m37s
mme-0         4/4     Running            0              7m37s
pcrf-0        1/1     Running            0              7m37s
spgwc-0       2/2     Running            0              7m37s
upf-0         2/4     CrashLoopBackOff   11 (34s ago)   6m21s

I tried following the troubleshooting section and restarting all services, but failed to resolve the problem with commands:

cd ~/sdran-in-a-box
make reset-test && make omec && make OPT=ric

I am using a fresh installation of Ubuntu 24.04 on an x86-64 machine.

onehouwong commented 1 month ago

Could you provide the log of the upf-0 container that has crashed?

For example: kubectl logs upf-0 -n riab --previous

m-wojnar commented 1 month ago

Of course, the command kubectl logs upf-0 -n riab --previous gives me an output:

error: a container name must be specified for pod upf-0, choose one of: [bessd routectl web cpiface] or one of the init containers: [bess-init]

Below are the outputs for the following containers:

onehouwong commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for sharing the logs. It looks like the connection to the BESS daemon has failed. So far we haven't run into this issue and we could not offer a solution for this. We notice you have been running with ubuntu 24.04 as the host, which might be the problem. The SD-RAN RiAB environment has been tested on ubuntu 18.04 (https://docs.sd-ran.org/master/sdran-in-a-box/docs/HW_Installation_intro.html) so it might be better to use the same version.

m-wojnar commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your feedback. I'll consider downgrading to Ubuntu 18.04 as suggested and retesting the environment.